IPR Events
IPR Information
IPR Formats
List of Copyrights Registered as on date 22/11/2023:
SN | Name of Applicants | Copyright title | Diary No |
1 | Dr. M. S. Kadu Prof. P. B. Kulkarni Dr. V. A. Dakwale Dr. R. N. Khapre Prof. R. P. Kinhikar | Enhancement of Technical Skills and Awarness about quality control in construction supervisors | 5894/2017-CO/L |
2 | Jignyasa Sanghavi | Laboratory Manual for Digital Circuits and Fundamental of Microprocessors | 6790/2017-CO/L |
3 | Rashmi Welekar | Offline Character recognition system | 7192/2017-CO/L |
4 | Aarti Karandikar | Offline Devnagari characterization recognition using genetic algorithm | 7336/2017-CO/L |
5 | Deepak Khushalani | Microprocessor & Interfacing 8085 Notes | 8767/2017-CO/L |
6 | Vaijayanti H Panse | Operations of ALU – Self Assesment Quiz | 9547/2017-CO/L |
7 | Dr Jagdish Kene | The ISM Band Unlicensed Radio Frequency for Scientific, Medical & Industrial Applications | 9551/2017-CO/L |
8 | Vishwas Balpande | Basics of VHDL & Programmable Logic Devices – Notes | 9554/2017-CO/L |
9 | Dr. Sanjay Pokle | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing | 9558/2017-CO/L |
10 | Dr. Rajesh Raut | Non Linear Sampling of Color Images | 9561/2017-CO/L |
11 | Pradip Selokar | Electromagnetic Fields Course Notes (Handouts) | 9833/2017-CO/L |
12 | Vidya Dahake | Vehicle Accident Detection and Reporting Using GSM & GPS | 9836/2017-CO/SW |
13 | Ashlesh Jaiswal, Ajinkya Nilawar | Phasor Diagram for AC Bridges (Handouts) | 9837/2017-CO/L |
14 | Ashlesh Jaiswal | Spatial Domain Image Enhancement (Handouts) | 9839/2017-CO/L |
15 | Dr. Pallavi Parlewar | 4 – Quadrant Curvelet Transform | 9844/2017-CO/L |
16 | Prof. Sweta Jain, Shankar Gadve | Self Destruction System for Protecting Data Privacy In Cloud Storage Based on Data Storage Center | 10959/2017-CO/L |
17 | Dr. Avinash Agrawal, Miss. Priyanka P. Chandak | Smart Farming System | 10973/2017-CO/L |
18 | Dr. M. B. Chandak, Sanyukta Tiwari | BACKNET – A platform for Conformance Testing | 10979/2017-CO/L |
19 | Prof. Samir Ajani | Lecture Notes On “ Arrays & Structures” | 10983/2017-CO/L |
20 | Ajinkya Nilawar | Optical Fiber Overview (Handouts) | 10987/2017-CO/L |
21 | Dr. R. N. Khapre | e – Tutorial of Finite Element Method | 11032/2017-CO/CF |
22 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Adhura Asman | 11877/2017-CO/L |
23 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Chingu Chingu anthology of ghazals in sindhi | 11879/2017-CO/L |
24 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Bahi Jun Padu Anthology of ghazals in sindhi | 11880/2017-CO/L |
25 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | An Easy Approach to Social Sciences | 11881/2017-CO/L |
26 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | An Easy Approach to English | 11882/2017-CO/L |
27 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Bhuni Bhuni (Mur-Mur0 anthology of sindhi poems | 11883/2017-CO/L |
28 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Silent Path – Selected Sindhi Poems | 11884/2017-CO/L |
29 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Made of Ice | 11929/2017-CO/L |
30 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Chequebook ( & other stories) | 11979/2017-CO/L |
31 | Dr. Monika R. Seth | Hamletisation | 11993/2017-CO/L |
32 | Prof. Ankita H Harkare | Development of MEMS Vibration Sensor | 11998/2017-CO/L |
33 | Dr. Tarachandra A. Madankar | Design of Coiling Mechanism for Integration of Rolling Mill | 12026/2017-CO/L |
34 | Prof. Chitra Upadhyay | Lab Manual – Database Management System | 12253/2017-CO/L |
35 | Prof. Padma Adane | Introduction to Wireless Communication | 12254/2017-CO/L |
36 | Dr. Madhuri Tayal, Dr. M. M. Raghuwanshi | TIDA: Title Identification for Natural Language using RDF and Anaphoric Reference Resolution | 12257/2017-CO/L |
37 | Dr. D. S. Adane | Data Privacy & Security | 12258/2017-CO/L |
38 | Dr. Avinash J. Agrawal, Ms Kajal Jain | Information Extraction From Relational Database Using Speech Recognition | 13240/2017-CO/L |
39 | Prof. Dilipkumar Borikar, Harshita Katragadda | User Mood Prediction on Twitter Network with Sarcasm Detection | 13245/2017-CO/L |
40 | Dr. Manoj B. Chandak, Samiksha Bhujade | A Hotel Recommendation System for Big Data Applications Using A Keyword Aware Approach | 13249/2017-CO/L |
41 | Dr. Manoj B. Chandak, Kahkashan Firdous Shaikh | Data Mining Model To Classify Product Search Relevance | 13253/2017-CO/L |
42 | Prof. Praful Pardhi, Ms. Nikita Jatain | UR5 Algorithm For Security | 13255/2017-CO/L |
43 | Prof. Abhijeet Raipurkar, Ms. Ashwini Rangari | Materialized Views Based Data Warehouse Optimization | 13256/2017-CO/L |
44 | Prof. Rashmi Welekar, Ms. Payal V. Kale | Developing Secure Ranked Keyword Search Algorithm For Encrypted Cloud Data | 13257/2017-CO/L |
45 | Dr. V. S. Deshpande | Current Trends in Quality Engineering and Management | 13258/2017-CO/L |
46 | Prof. Vishnu Vardhan Budati | MICON Website | 13265/2017-CO/SW |
47 | Prof. Vishnu Vardhan Budati | NRI-Admissions Website | 13268/2017-CO/SW |
48 | Dr. Deepshikha Mehra | Birds of Rajbhavan Nagpur – REEF | 13942/2017-CO/L |
49 | Prof. Khushboo Jain | Lab Manual – Digital Circuits & Fundamentals of Microprocessor ITP202 | 14052/2017-CO/L |
50 | Prof. Nishat A. Ansari | Lab Manual – Computer Networks | 14053/2017-CO/L |
51 | Dr. V. S. Deshpande | An Innovative Methodology For Inculcation Of Soft Skills- Technical Paper Writing And Presentation | 14054/2017-CO/L |
52 | Dr. Amir Hafizullah Khan | Case studies By Amir Hafizullah Khan | 16008/2017-CO/L |
53 | Dr. Abhijeet Agashe | Case studies By Dr. Abhijeet Agashe | 16014/2017-CO/L |
54 | Prof. Anant Deogaonkar | Case studies By Prof. Anant Deogaonkar | 16022/2017-CO/L |
55 | Dr. K.D. Naidu | Case studies By Dr. K.D. Naidu | 16033/2017-CO/L |
56 | Dr. Ruchi Sao | Case studies By Dr. Ruchi Sao | 16035/2017-CO/L |
57 | Dr. Archana Shrivastava | Case studies By Dr. Archana Shrivastava | 16044/2017-CO/L |
58 | Dr. Rajiv B. Khaire | Employee Satisfaction Survey @ OCW | 16067/2017-CO/L |
59 | Gaurav Kulat | Case studies By Gaurav Kulat | 16070/2017-CO/L |
60 | Dr. Gayathri Band | Case studies By Dr. Gayathri Band | 16072/2017-CO/L |
61 | Kanchan Tolani | Case studies By Kanchan Tolani | 16073/2017-CO/L |
62 | Dr. Rupesh Pais | Industrial Engineering Quiz | 16074/2017-CO/L |
63 | Dr. Rajesh Vaidya | Case studies By Dr. Rajesh Vaidya | 16075/2017-CO/L |
65 | Prashant Chhajer, Vishal Mehta, Vandana Gandhi | TRuckr – Strategising a Mobile Application for Transporters and Shippers | 16082/2017-CO/L |
66 | Dr. M. M. Gupta, NIKHIL ANIRUDDHA BHAVE | Experimental Investigations on HCCI engine using Alternative fuel | 16086/2017-CO/L |
67 | Dr. D. .J. Dahigaonkar | An approach for enhancing departmental research | 16087/2017-CO/L |
68 | Dr. D. .J. Dahigaonkar, Mayank B. Thacker | Novel CMOS low noise Amplifier for GPS receiver | 16346/2017-CO/L |
69 | Prof. Prasanna Deshpande | Notes of Linear Integrated Circuits & Applications | 16347/2017-CO/L |
70 | Dr. Deepak Khushalani | Taguchi method for Cantilever Beam Design | 16348/2017-CO/L |
71 | Prof. Tanmay Gupta | Study of investor behaviour towards asset allocation for long term investment products with special reference to equity linked products amongst business class and professionals in Nagpur city. | 16349/2017-CO/L |
72 | Prof. Pravin Sonsare | Design & Application for Improvement of Palmprint Recognition Accuracy & Security Using PCA Watermarking | 7190/2017-CO/L |
73 | Prof. Vishnu Vardhan Budati | RCOEM Chat Application | 1206/2018-CO/SW |
74 | Suraj Kanojiya, Sagar Ajith, Prof. Manisha Das | Distance measurement using ultra sonic sensor on Nexys-4 FPGA platform | 1211/2018-CO/L |
75 | Prof. Bhumika A. Neole | Notes on Digital Signal Processing | 7103/2018-CO/L |
76 | Prof. Samir Anjani | Lab Manual ” Computer Programming” | 7105/2018-CO/L |
77 | Prof. Kanak Kalyani | Railway Regency | 7124/2018-CO/L |
78 | Prof. Kanak Kalyani | Lab Companion | 7128/2018-CO/L |
80 | Prof. Divya Shrivastave | Waves and Radiating Systems: MULTIPLE CHOICE BASED QUESTIONS | 7638/2019-CO/L |
81 | Dr. (Mrs.) M S Korde | Fundamentals of Antenna Handouts | 7640/2019-CO/L |
82 | Dr. Rashmi Shahu | LOGICAL THINKING AND TEST OF REASONING | 8261/2019-CO/L |
83 | Dr. Rashmi Shahu | ERGONOMICS | 8267/2019-CO/L |
84 | Prof. Ashwin Chatpalliwar | Formulation of Approximate Generalized Design Data Based Model of a Plant Manufacturing Biodiesel | 8272/2019-CO/L |
85 | Prof. Rakesh Kadu | Storage Management in Linux Operating System | 8275/2019-CO/L |
86 | Prof. Dattatarya S Adane | Generalizing Database Forensics Investigations | 8278/2019-CO/L |
87 | Prof. P D Adane | Introduction to Computer System Security | 8279/2019-CO/L |
88 | Prof. Nishat A Ansari | Distributed Scheduling | 8330/2019-CO/L |
89 | Prof Ashish Chandak | Task Scheduling Stratgies in Grid Computing | 8331/2019-CO/L |
90 | Prof. Madhuri Tayal | Predicate Logic Implementation Using Senstence Type for Natural Languages | 8332/2019-CO/L |
91 | Prof. C B Thaokar | Input/Oupt Organization | 8337/2019-CO/L |
92 | Prof. Jagdish Kene | Radio Frequency Bands and Application | 8343/2019-CO/L |
93 | Prof. Jagdish Kene | Transfer Electron Device (TED) OR Gunn Diode | 8344/2019-CO/L |
94 | Prof. S G Mundada | Crossword for Models of COmputation | 8347/2019-CO/L |
95 | Dr. ANup Ranade, Prof. Ajay Ghagare | Aadhar Card – Citizen’s Perspective Metrics | 11943/2019-CO/L |
96 | Amir Khan | Questionnaire on “ A Study of Customer Satisfaction in relation to Service Delivery and Brand Positioning of Services of Mobile Telecom Network Services providers in Nagpur Market” | 11945/2019-CO/L |
97 | Prof. Anant Deogaonkar | Proposal Draft for Incubation Center | 11948/2019-CO/L |
98 | Dr. Anup Ranade | Dr. Anup Ranade’s Farmers’ Matrix | 11952/2019-CO/L |
99 | Dr. Gayathri Band | Questionnaire on Performance & Quality Work Life | 11959/2019-CO/L |
100 | Dr. Kanak Wadhwani, Prof. Rijuta Joshi and Dr. Rajiv Khaire | Questionnaire for undersdtanding employee workplace behavior and decision making patterns | 11969/2019-CO/L |
101 | Prof. Kanchan Tolani | Role of individual Behaviour: Situation Analysis | 11971/2019-CO/L |
102 | Prof. Kanchan Tolani | Self Care is Essential | 11972/2019-CO/L |
103 | Dr. Kimsy Gulhane | Customer Delight in Retail | 11973/2019-CO/L |
104 | Dr. Parihar Dahake | Marketing and DIstribution of Mushroom | 11976/2019-CO/L |
105 | Dr. Pranjali Deole | Determination of Tool COndition in Boring Machine using Acoustic Emissions | 11977/2019-CO/L |
106 | Dr. Priya Khandekar and Dr. Shital Chiddawar | A genaralised framework for generation of robot motion plan using manual lead through training system | 12041/2019-CO/L |
107 | Dr. Rajesh Vaidya | Interview Techniques | 12043/2019-CO/L |
108 | Dr. Kanak Wadhwani, Prof. Rijuta Joshi and Dr. Rajiv Khaire | Simulation Exercise on Employee Behavior Analysis | 12044/2019-CO/L |
109 | Dr. Ruchi Sao | Questionnaire on work life balance of married working women | 12047/2019-CO/L |
110 | Prof. Tanmay Gupta | Quesntionare for assessing the risk profile of an individual investor | 12049/2019-CO/L |
111 | Prof. Anju Gupta | Pseudo NMOS Logic | 12104/2019-CO/L |
112 | Dr. Deepali Kotambkar | Introduction to digital Signal Processing | 12105/2019-CO/L |
113 | Dr. J D Kene | Microwave Junction | 12106/2019-CO/L |
114 | Dr. J D Kene | Radar Systems | 12107/2019-CO/L |
115 | Prof. Khushboo Khurana | Compiler Design Lab Manual | 12176/2019-CO/L |
116 | Prof. S G Mundada, Yash Shrangpani and shushant Patrikar | Linear Data Structure SImulator | 12181/2019-CO/SW |
117 | Prof. Poorvi Joshi | Study of MEMS Resonator | 12188/2019-CO/L |
118 | Prof. Prasheel Thakre | Architecture of SPLD, CPLD and FPGA | 12190/2019-CO/L |
119 | Prof. Vaishali Rajurkar | Plate Load Test | 12194/2019-CO/L |
120 | Prof. Vaishali Rajurkar | Pile Foundation | 12199/2019-CO/L |
121 | Prof. Vaishali Rajurkar | Standard Penetration Test | 12204/2019-CO/L |
122 | Dr. Vinod Asudani and Dr. Monika Seth | Indian Spiritual Masters and Management Principles | 12222/2019-CO/L |
123 | Dr. Vinod Asudani | Maa Bhi Ythey Huyus | 12224/2019-CO/L |
124 | Dr. MOnika R. Seth | Parenting Style & Their Impact on Educational Performance of Children at High School Level | 12225/2019-CO/L |
125 | Dr. Vinod Asudani and Dr. Monika Seth | Social and Human Skills | 12226/2019-CO/L |
127 | Dr. S. B. Bodhke | Speed Sensorless Control of Induction Motor Drive | 20882/2019-CO/L |
128 | Prof. S.C.Tirpude and Prof. V. Bongirwar | Laboratory Manual On Computer Graphics & GUI Design Technologies(CSP319) Semester VI | 20883/2019-CO/L |
129 | Dr. Sangita H Deshmukh | Design and Study on Performance Improvement of DC/DC and AC/AC Convertor and its Applications | 20884/2019-CO/L |
130 | Dr. M. V. Palandurkar | Replacement of Flywheel of the Process Machine with Appropriate Electric Drive | 20890/2019-CO/L |
131 | Dr. C. P. Pandhurnekar | Real Gas equation and Critical Constants | 20892/2019-CO/L |
132 | Dr. Piyush M. Khadke | Relaying algorithms for fsc compensated ehv transmission system | 20896/2019-CO/L |
133 | Purshottam Jiwatram Assudani | Jenkins | 20898/2019-CO/L |
134 | Dr. P. A. SALODKAR | Some Studies On Single-Phase Multilevel Inverter Topologies For PV Application | 20899/2019-CO/L |
135 | Dr. Pranil V Sawalakhe | Process Map of Value added (VA) and Non Value added (NVA) Processes of Sample Collection in Testing Laboratory | 20900/2019-CO/L |
136 | Dr. S C Rangari | Performance Evaluation of FivePhase Induction Motor Drive with Fault-Tolerant Scheme | 20902/2019-CO/L |
137 | Prof. Rohini H. Joshi | Managing Information Security | 20913/2019-CO/L |
138 | Dr. Chandan Vichoray, Dr. Rupesh Pais and Dr. Vishwas Deshpande | A Case-study on Productivity Study Conducted in Stores in A Manufacturing Plant | 20914/2019-CO/L |
139 | Dr. Chandan Vichoray, Dr. Rupesh Pais and Dr. Vishwas Deshpande | A case –Study on Productivity Study Conducted in Chemical Stores In A Textile Manufacturing Plant | 20915/2019-CO/L |
140 | Dr. Chandan Vichoray, Dr. Rupesh Pais and Dr. Vishwas Deshpande | A Case Study on Productivity Conducted in Pallet Area, DTY Store and General Stores | 20916/2019-CO/L |
141 | Dr. Dipak Jayant Dahigaonkar | CMOS LOGIC | 20918/2019-CO/L |
142 | Dr Padma Adane | Global System For Mobile Communications (GSM) | 11259/2020-CO/L |
143 | Dr Padma Adane | MOBILE IP | 11267/2020-CO/L |
144 | Prof Ankita H Harkare | Lecture Notes on RF Circuit Design | 11324/2020-CO/L |
146 | Dr. Sanjay Bodkhe | Research paper Writing and Methods to Avoid Plagiarism | 11787/2020-CO/L |
148 | Dr Rohini Ochawar,Aman Thakur, Devansh Dubey, Ayush Khandelwal, Karan Thakkar | INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING RFID TECHNOLOGY | 12567/2020-CO/L |
149 | Prof. (Mrs.) Poorvi K. Joshi, I Riya Mohan, Rushibha Adlak and Paramjit Shankarprasad | Telepresence Surveillance Vehicle (An Implementation of Embedded System Application) | 12669/2020-CO/L |
150 | Prof. (Mrs.) Poorvi K. Joshi, I Riya Mohan, Rushibha Adlak and Paramjit Shankarprasad | Microprocessor Laboratory Manual for LED and Seven Segment Display (SSD) Using hardware Vectored interrupt RST 7.5 | 12711/2020-CO/L |
151 | Dr Bhalchandra M Hardas, Rushika Patne, Rutuja Shaniware, Vishakha Shukla | PLC BASED AUTOMATIC BOTTLE FILLING SYSTEM | 13165/2020-CO/L |
152 | Dr Bhalchandra M Hardas, Rohan Khardenavis , Nishad Chaudhari , Swapnil Herwadkar and Saket Agrawal, | Urban Flood Monitoring & Alerting System | 14225/2020-CO/L |
153 | Prof. (Mrs.) Poorvi K. Joshi, Ms. Ayushi Singh and Mr. Nihal Chaudhari | Smart Car Parking System | 14681/2020-CO/L |
154 | Prof Rushikesh Deshmukh | Diode Theory | 15226/2020-CO/L |
155 | Dr Suresh Balpande | Literature Survey -11 Mantras of Do’s and Don’ts | 15602/2020-CO/L |
156 | Prof Rushikesh Deshmukh | Diode Theory-I | 15671/2020-CO/L |
157 | Prof. (Mrs.) Poorvi K. Joshi | LPC 2148 Laboratory Manual | 16494/2020-CO/L |
158 | Prof Shantanu Kulkarni | Questionnaire for the Pilot Study for Doctoral Research on Quality Circles | 16666/2020-CO/L |
159 | Dr. Pravin Y. Karmore | Fundamentals of Prolog Programming | 20533/2020-CO/L |
160 | Prof. A. M. Karandikar Prof. A.R. Raipurkar | LABORATORY MANUAL- DATA WAREHOUSING AND MINING LAB | 282/2021-CO/L |
161 | Prof R G Deshbhratar | NETWORK ANALYSIS EET251 CHAPTER-01 | 1066/2021-CO/L |
163 | Prof Anju Gupta | FLOWCHART FOR PCB FABRICATION PROCESS | 985/2021-CO/L |
164 | Prof Vikas R Gupta | UNIT 2: Large Signal Amplifiers | 1010/2021-CO/L |
165 | Prof. D. D. Shrivastava Dr. D. G. Khushalani | Digital System Design Lab Manual ECT252 | 826/2021-CO/L |
166 | Dr. S. H. Deshmukh | Single Phase Transformer | 884/2021-CO/L |
167 | Prof R G Deshbhratar | NETWORK ANALYSIS EET251 CHAPTER-02 | 1067/2021-CO/L |
168 | Prof Ankita H Harkare | Lecture notes on Computer Architecture | 1398/2021-CO/L |
169 | Prof Archana Tiwari | SMITH CHART | 1439/2021-CO/L |
170 | Dr. Jagdish D. Kene | Linear Convolution (Linear Filtering ) using Discrete Fourier Transform ( DFT | 15234/2020-CO/L |
171 | Dr. Prasad Dahale, Dr. A. A. Mehta, Mr. Vikrant Nair, Mr. Pranay Maidamwar | WORK SHEET ON DESIGN OF SOIL REINFORCEMENT | 2364/2021-CO/L |
172 | Prof Mangesh Joshi | LECTURE PPT ON INTRODUCTION TO DATA SCIENCE | 3508/2021-CO/L |
173 | Prof Mangesh Joshi | LECTURE PPT ON DATA SCIENCE LIFE CYCLE | 3507/2021-CO/L |
174 | Prof Mangesh Joshi | LECTURE NOTES ON DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS | 3858/2021-CO/L |
177 | Dr. Pravin Y. Karmore | OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING THROUGH JAVA | 8627/2021-CO/L |
178 | Prof. Chetana Thaokar | Text Summarization of Devanagari using Genetic Algorithm | 8746/2021-CO/L |
179 | Prof. Chetana Thaokar | Pipelining in Computer Architecture | 8765/2021-CO/L |
180 | Ms. Archana S. Talhar Dr. Sanjay B. Bodkhe | Home ELECTRICAL Energy Management: NET METERING & REAL TIME PRICING | 12921/2021-CO/L |
181 | Kritika Jain Advait Kolse Pallavi Gadewar Dr B M Hardas | PPT On Low-Cost Electro-Mechanical Ventilators | 13161/2021-CO/L |
182 | Dr Sonali Rangari | Basic Concepts of Switches | 13614/2021-CO/L |
184 | Prof.Poorvi K.Joshi Rishabh Pandey Arvind Chowdhary Palash Chandak Shreyash Duragkar | MONITORING MOTIONAL RESISTANCE OF MEMS RESONATOR | 17830/2021-CO/L |
185 | Prof Prasheel Thakre | Memory Organization in Computer Architecture | 17759/2021-CO/L |
186 | Prof. (Ms.) Manisha B. Gaikwad | Introduction of HVDC Transmission System | 13141/2021-CO/L |
187 | Prof. (Ms.) Manisha B. Gaikwad | SHUNT COMPENSATION | 13576/2021-CO/L |
188 | Prof. Vaishali J. Rajurkar | Cancel Slope Stabilization | 23502/2021-CO/L |
189 | Prof. Vaishali J. Rajurkar | Case Studies on Foundation of famous Structure | 23528/2021-CO/L |
190 | Dr B M Hardas Prof Chandra Mohan Goyal | Sarwanam Shabda | 24603/2021-CO/L |
191 | Prof. Himanshu M. Shukla | Lecture PPT on Analysis of Variance ANOVA | 24447/2021-CO/L |
192 | Prof. Himanshu M. Shukla | Lecture PPT on Six Thinking Hats | 24484/2021-CO/L |
193 | Prof. Himanshu M. Shukla | Lecture PPT on Multi-Response Optimization Problems | 24490/2021-CO/L |
194 | Prof. Himanshu M. Shukla | LECTURE PPT ON HYPOTHESIS TESTING IN RESEARCH | 24479/2021-CO/L |
195 | Mrs. Neha Jitesh Zade | Application of Chatbot for Analysis of Big Water Towers | 29822/2021-CO/L |
196 | Prof. Vaishali J. Rajurkar | Stabilization of Steep Slopes | 23512/2021-CO/L |
197 | 1. Dr Suresh Balpande 2. VEDANT MEHTA 3. SWARAJ RATHI 4.PRAYAG ASHTANKAR | Development of TENG simulator (TRIBOSIM) | 17820/2021-CO/SW |
198 | Dr Rajendra Khapre | Python Program for Design of Circular Slab | 1082/2021-CO/SW |
199 | Dr Rajendra Khapre | Python program Design of Bi-axially Loaded Column | 1201/2021-CO/SW |
200 | Dr Suresh S Balpande | HOW TO WRITE RESEARCH ARTICLES | 15814/2022-CO/L |
201 | Dr. Akanksha Deshpande Prof. Jasleen Rihan | PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT MANUAL | 21988/2022-CO/L |
202 | Dr. Tripti Gupta, Prof. Laxmi R. Gangwani, Mr. Kamalnayan Soni, Mr. Riddhesh Bele and Mr. Utkarsh Ghugal | PYTHON PROGRAM FOR DESIGN OF GRIT CHAMBER FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT | 2251/2023-CO/SW |
203 | Dr Suresh S Balpande | SMART SENSORS IN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION | 22605/2022-CO/L |
204 | Dr. Rajendra N. Khapre, Prof. Laxmi R. Gangwani, Mr. Amogh Deshpande, Mr. Anuj Agrawal, Ms. Kimaya Sathawane | PYTHON PROGRAM FOR DESIGN OF SUSPENSION BRIDGE | 26967/2022-CO/SW |
205 | Dr. Rajendra N. Khapre, Prof. Laxmi R. Gangwani, Mr. Ganesh Bharate, Mr. Musharraf Pathan | Python Program for Most Economical Channel Section | 532/2023-CO/SW |
207 | Dr Suresh S Balpande | MICROCOURSE ON PROJECT REPORT DRAFTING | 15803/2022-CO/L |
List of Copyrights Registered as on date 22/11/2023:
SN | Name of Applicants | Copyright title | Diary No |
1 | Dr. M. S. Kadu Prof. P. B. Kulkarni Dr. V. A. Dakwale Dr. R. N. Khapre Prof. R. P. Kinhikar | Enhancement of Technical Skills and Awarness about quality control in construction supervisors | 5894/2017-CO/L |
2 | Jignyasa Sanghavi | Laboratory Manual for Digital Circuits and Fundamental of Microprocessors | 6790/2017-CO/L |
3 | Rashmi Welekar | Offline Character recognition system | 7192/2017-CO/L |
4 | Aarti Karandikar | Offline Devnagari characterization recognition using genetic algorithm | 7336/2017-CO/L |
5 | Deepak Khushalani | Microprocessor & Interfacing 8085 Notes | 8767/2017-CO/L |
6 | Vaijayanti H Panse | Operations of ALU – Self Assesment Quiz | 9547/2017-CO/L |
7 | Dr Jagdish Kene | The ISM Band Unlicensed Radio Frequency for Scientific, Medical & Industrial Applications | 9551/2017-CO/L |
8 | Vishwas Balpande | Basics of VHDL & Programmable Logic Devices – Notes | 9554/2017-CO/L |
9 | Dr. Sanjay Pokle | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing | 9558/2017-CO/L |
10 | Dr. Rajesh Raut | Non Linear Sampling of Color Images | 9561/2017-CO/L |
11 | Pradip Selokar | Electromagnetic Fields Course Notes (Handouts) | 9833/2017-CO/L |
12 | Vidya Dahake | Vehicle Accident Detection and Reporting Using GSM & GPS | 9836/2017-CO/SW |
13 | Ashlesh Jaiswal, Ajinkya Nilawar | Phasor Diagram for AC Bridges (Handouts) | 9837/2017-CO/L |
14 | Ashlesh Jaiswal | Spatial Domain Image Enhancement (Handouts) | 9839/2017-CO/L |
15 | Dr. Pallavi Parlewar | 4 – Quadrant Curvelet Transform | 9844/2017-CO/L |
16 | Prof. Sweta Jain, Shankar Gadve | Self Destruction System for Protecting Data Privacy In Cloud Storage Based on Data Storage Center | 10959/2017-CO/L |
17 | Dr. Avinash Agrawal, Miss. Priyanka P. Chandak | Smart Farming System | 10973/2017-CO/L |
18 | Dr. M. B. Chandak, Sanyukta Tiwari | BACKNET – A platform for Conformance Testing | 10979/2017-CO/L |
19 | Prof. Samir Ajani | Lecture Notes On “ Arrays & Structures” | 10983/2017-CO/L |
20 | Ajinkya Nilawar | Optical Fiber Overview (Handouts) | 10987/2017-CO/L |
21 | Dr. R. N. Khapre | e – Tutorial of Finite Element Method | 11032/2017-CO/CF |
22 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Adhura Asman | 11877/2017-CO/L |
23 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Chingu Chingu anthology of ghazals in sindhi | 11879/2017-CO/L |
24 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Bahi Jun Padu Anthology of ghazals in sindhi | 11880/2017-CO/L |
25 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | An Easy Approach to Social Sciences | 11881/2017-CO/L |
26 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | An Easy Approach to English | 11882/2017-CO/L |
27 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Bhuni Bhuni (Mur-Mur0 anthology of sindhi poems | 11883/2017-CO/L |
28 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Silent Path – Selected Sindhi Poems | 11884/2017-CO/L |
29 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Made of Ice | 11929/2017-CO/L |
30 | Dr. Vinod H. Asudani | Chequebook ( & other stories) | 11979/2017-CO/L |
31 | Dr. Monika R. Seth | Hamletisation | 11993/2017-CO/L |
32 | Prof. Ankita H Harkare | Development of MEMS Vibration Sensor | 11998/2017-CO/L |
33 | Dr. Tarachandra A. Madankar | Design of Coiling Mechanism for Integration of Rolling Mill | 12026/2017-CO/L |
34 | Prof. Chitra Upadhyay | Lab Manual – Database Management System | 12253/2017-CO/L |
35 | Prof. Padma Adane | Introduction to Wireless Communication | 12254/2017-CO/L |
36 | Dr. Madhuri Tayal, Dr. M. M. Raghuwanshi | TIDA: Title Identification for Natural Language using RDF and Anaphoric Reference Resolution | 12257/2017-CO/L |
37 | Dr. D. S. Adane | Data Privacy & Security | 12258/2017-CO/L |
38 | Dr. Avinash J. Agrawal, Ms Kajal Jain | Information Extraction From Relational Database Using Speech Recognition | 13240/2017-CO/L |
39 | Prof. Dilipkumar Borikar, Harshita Katragadda | User Mood Prediction on Twitter Network with Sarcasm Detection | 13245/2017-CO/L |
40 | Dr. Manoj B. Chandak, Samiksha Bhujade | A Hotel Recommendation System for Big Data Applications Using A Keyword Aware Approach | 13249/2017-CO/L |
41 | Dr. Manoj B. Chandak, Kahkashan Firdous Shaikh | Data Mining Model To Classify Product Search Relevance | 13253/2017-CO/L |
42 | Prof. Praful Pardhi, Ms. Nikita Jatain | UR5 Algorithm For Security | 13255/2017-CO/L |
43 | Prof. Abhijeet Raipurkar, Ms. Ashwini Rangari | Materialized Views Based Data Warehouse Optimization | 13256/2017-CO/L |
44 | Prof. Rashmi Welekar, Ms. Payal V. Kale | Developing Secure Ranked Keyword Search Algorithm For Encrypted Cloud Data | 13257/2017-CO/L |
45 | Dr. V. S. Deshpande | Current Trends in Quality Engineering and Management | 13258/2017-CO/L |
46 | Prof. Vishnu Vardhan Budati | MICON Website | 13265/2017-CO/SW |
47 | Prof. Vishnu Vardhan Budati | NRI-Admissions Website | 13268/2017-CO/SW |
48 | Dr. Deepshikha Mehra | Birds of Rajbhavan Nagpur – REEF | 13942/2017-CO/L |
49 | Prof. Khushboo Jain | Lab Manual – Digital Circuits & Fundamentals of Microprocessor ITP202 | 14052/2017-CO/L |
50 | Prof. Nishat A. Ansari | Lab Manual – Computer Networks | 14053/2017-CO/L |
51 | Dr. V. S. Deshpande | An Innovative Methodology For Inculcation Of Soft Skills- Technical Paper Writing And Presentation | 14054/2017-CO/L |
52 | Dr. Amir Hafizullah Khan | Case studies By Amir Hafizullah Khan | 16008/2017-CO/L |
53 | Dr. Abhijeet Agashe | Case studies By Dr. Abhijeet Agashe | 16014/2017-CO/L |
54 | Prof. Anant Deogaonkar | Case studies By Prof. Anant Deogaonkar | 16022/2017-CO/L |
55 | Dr. K.D. Naidu | Case studies By Dr. K.D. Naidu | 16033/2017-CO/L |
56 | Dr. Ruchi Sao | Case studies By Dr. Ruchi Sao | 16035/2017-CO/L |
57 | Dr. Archana Shrivastava | Case studies By Dr. Archana Shrivastava | 16044/2017-CO/L |
58 | Dr. Rajiv B. Khaire | Employee Satisfaction Survey @ OCW | 16067/2017-CO/L |
59 | Gaurav Kulat | Case studies By Gaurav Kulat | 16070/2017-CO/L |
60 | Dr. Gayathri Band | Case studies By Dr. Gayathri Band | 16072/2017-CO/L |
61 | Kanchan Tolani | Case studies By Kanchan Tolani | 16073/2017-CO/L |
62 | Dr. Rupesh Pais | Industrial Engineering Quiz | 16074/2017-CO/L |
63 | Dr. Rajesh Vaidya | Case studies By Dr. Rajesh Vaidya | 16075/2017-CO/L |
65 | Prashant Chhajer, Vishal Mehta, Vandana Gandhi | TRuckr – Strategising a Mobile Application for Transporters and Shippers | 16082/2017-CO/L |
66 | Dr. M. M. Gupta, NIKHIL ANIRUDDHA BHAVE | Experimental Investigations on HCCI engine using Alternative fuel | 16086/2017-CO/L |
67 | Dr. D. .J. Dahigaonkar | An approach for enhancing departmental research | 16087/2017-CO/L |
68 | Dr. D. .J. Dahigaonkar, Mayank B. Thacker | Novel CMOS low noise Amplifier for GPS receiver | 16346/2017-CO/L |
69 | Prof. Prasanna Deshpande | Notes of Linear Integrated Circuits & Applications | 16347/2017-CO/L |
70 | Dr. Deepak Khushalani | Taguchi method for Cantilever Beam Design | 16348/2017-CO/L |
71 | Prof. Tanmay Gupta | Study of investor behaviour towards asset allocation for long term investment products with special reference to equity linked products amongst business class and professionals in Nagpur city. | 16349/2017-CO/L |
72 | Prof. Pravin Sonsare | Design & Application for Improvement of Palmprint Recognition Accuracy & Security Using PCA Watermarking | 7190/2017-CO/L |
73 | Prof. Vishnu Vardhan Budati | RCOEM Chat Application | 1206/2018-CO/SW |
74 | Suraj Kanojiya, Sagar Ajith, Prof. Manisha Das | Distance measurement using ultra sonic sensor on Nexys-4 FPGA platform | 1211/2018-CO/L |
75 | Prof. Bhumika A. Neole | Notes on Digital Signal Processing | 7103/2018-CO/L |
76 | Prof. Samir Anjani | Lab Manual ” Computer Programming” | 7105/2018-CO/L |
77 | Prof. Kanak Kalyani | Railway Regency | 7124/2018-CO/L |
78 | Prof. Kanak Kalyani | Lab Companion | 7128/2018-CO/L |
80 | Prof. Divya Shrivastave | Waves and Radiating Systems: MULTIPLE CHOICE BASED QUESTIONS | 7638/2019-CO/L |
81 | Dr. (Mrs.) M S Korde | Fundamentals of Antenna Handouts | 7640/2019-CO/L |
82 | Dr. Rashmi Shahu | LOGICAL THINKING AND TEST OF REASONING | 8261/2019-CO/L |
83 | Dr. Rashmi Shahu | ERGONOMICS | 8267/2019-CO/L |
84 | Prof. Ashwin Chatpalliwar | Formulation of Approximate Generalized Design Data Based Model of a Plant Manufacturing Biodiesel | 8272/2019-CO/L |
85 | Prof. Rakesh Kadu | Storage Management in Linux Operating System | 8275/2019-CO/L |
86 | Prof. Dattatarya S Adane | Generalizing Database Forensics Investigations | 8278/2019-CO/L |
87 | Prof. P D Adane | Introduction to Computer System Security | 8279/2019-CO/L |
88 | Prof. Nishat A Ansari | Distributed Scheduling | 8330/2019-CO/L |
89 | Prof Ashish Chandak | Task Scheduling Stratgies in Grid Computing | 8331/2019-CO/L |
90 | Prof. Madhuri Tayal | Predicate Logic Implementation Using Senstence Type for Natural Languages | 8332/2019-CO/L |
91 | Prof. C B Thaokar | Input/Oupt Organization | 8337/2019-CO/L |
92 | Prof. Jagdish Kene | Radio Frequency Bands and Application | 8343/2019-CO/L |
93 | Prof. Jagdish Kene | Transfer Electron Device (TED) OR Gunn Diode | 8344/2019-CO/L |
94 | Prof. S G Mundada | Crossword for Models of COmputation | 8347/2019-CO/L |
95 | Dr. ANup Ranade, Prof. Ajay Ghagare | Aadhar Card – Citizen’s Perspective Metrics | 11943/2019-CO/L |
96 | Amir Khan | Questionnaire on “ A Study of Customer Satisfaction in relation to Service Delivery and Brand Positioning of Services of Mobile Telecom Network Services providers in Nagpur Market” | 11945/2019-CO/L |
97 | Prof. Anant Deogaonkar | Proposal Draft for Incubation Center | 11948/2019-CO/L |
98 | Dr. Anup Ranade | Dr. Anup Ranade’s Farmers’ Matrix | 11952/2019-CO/L |
99 | Dr. Gayathri Band | Questionnaire on Performance & Quality Work Life | 11959/2019-CO/L |
100 | Dr. Kanak Wadhwani, Prof. Rijuta Joshi and Dr. Rajiv Khaire | Questionnaire for undersdtanding employee workplace behavior and decision making patterns | 11969/2019-CO/L |
101 | Prof. Kanchan Tolani | Role of individual Behaviour: Situation Analysis | 11971/2019-CO/L |
102 | Prof. Kanchan Tolani | Self Care is Essential | 11972/2019-CO/L |
103 | Dr. Kimsy Gulhane | Customer Delight in Retail | 11973/2019-CO/L |
104 | Dr. Parihar Dahake | Marketing and DIstribution of Mushroom | 11976/2019-CO/L |
105 | Dr. Pranjali Deole | Determination of Tool COndition in Boring Machine using Acoustic Emissions | 11977/2019-CO/L |
106 | Dr. Priya Khandekar and Dr. Shital Chiddawar | A genaralised framework for generation of robot motion plan using manual lead through training system | 12041/2019-CO/L |
107 | Dr. Rajesh Vaidya | Interview Techniques | 12043/2019-CO/L |
108 | Dr. Kanak Wadhwani, Prof. Rijuta Joshi and Dr. Rajiv Khaire | Simulation Exercise on Employee Behavior Analysis | 12044/2019-CO/L |
109 | Dr. Ruchi Sao | Questionnaire on work life balance of married working women | 12047/2019-CO/L |
110 | Prof. Tanmay Gupta | Quesntionare for assessing the risk profile of an individual investor | 12049/2019-CO/L |
111 | Prof. Anju Gupta | Pseudo NMOS Logic | 12104/2019-CO/L |
112 | Dr. Deepali Kotambkar | Introduction to digital Signal Processing | 12105/2019-CO/L |
113 | Dr. J D Kene | Microwave Junction | 12106/2019-CO/L |
114 | Dr. J D Kene | Radar Systems | 12107/2019-CO/L |
115 | Prof. Khushboo Khurana | Compiler Design Lab Manual | 12176/2019-CO/L |
116 | Prof. S G Mundada, Yash Shrangpani and shushant Patrikar | Linear Data Structure SImulator | 12181/2019-CO/SW |
117 | Prof. Poorvi Joshi | Study of MEMS Resonator | 12188/2019-CO/L |
118 | Prof. Prasheel Thakre | Architecture of SPLD, CPLD and FPGA | 12190/2019-CO/L |
119 | Prof. Vaishali Rajurkar | Plate Load Test | 12194/2019-CO/L |
120 | Prof. Vaishali Rajurkar | Pile Foundation | 12199/2019-CO/L |
121 | Prof. Vaishali Rajurkar | Standard Penetration Test | 12204/2019-CO/L |
122 | Dr. Vinod Asudani and Dr. Monika Seth | Indian Spiritual Masters and Management Principles | 12222/2019-CO/L |
123 | Dr. Vinod Asudani | Maa Bhi Ythey Huyus | 12224/2019-CO/L |
124 | Dr. MOnika R. Seth | Parenting Style & Their Impact on Educational Performance of Children at High School Level | 12225/2019-CO/L |
125 | Dr. Vinod Asudani and Dr. Monika Seth | Social and Human Skills | 12226/2019-CO/L |
127 | Dr. S. B. Bodhke | Speed Sensorless Control of Induction Motor Drive | 20882/2019-CO/L |
128 | Prof. S.C.Tirpude and Prof. V. Bongirwar | Laboratory Manual On Computer Graphics & GUI Design Technologies(CSP319) Semester VI | 20883/2019-CO/L |
129 | Dr. Sangita H Deshmukh | Design and Study on Performance Improvement of DC/DC and AC/AC Convertor and its Applications | 20884/2019-CO/L |
130 | Dr. M. V. Palandurkar | Replacement of Flywheel of the Process Machine with Appropriate Electric Drive | 20890/2019-CO/L |
131 | Dr. C. P. Pandhurnekar | Real Gas equation and Critical Constants | 20892/2019-CO/L |
132 | Dr. Piyush M. Khadke | Relaying algorithms for fsc compensated ehv transmission system | 20896/2019-CO/L |
133 | Purshottam Jiwatram Assudani | Jenkins | 20898/2019-CO/L |
134 | Dr. P. A. SALODKAR | Some Studies On Single-Phase Multilevel Inverter Topologies For PV Application | 20899/2019-CO/L |
135 | Dr. Pranil V Sawalakhe | Process Map of Value added (VA) and Non Value added (NVA) Processes of Sample Collection in Testing Laboratory | 20900/2019-CO/L |
136 | Dr. S C Rangari | Performance Evaluation of FivePhase Induction Motor Drive with Fault-Tolerant Scheme | 20902/2019-CO/L |
137 | Prof. Rohini H. Joshi | Managing Information Security | 20913/2019-CO/L |
138 | Dr. Chandan Vichoray, Dr. Rupesh Pais and Dr. Vishwas Deshpande | A Case-study on Productivity Study Conducted in Stores in A Manufacturing Plant | 20914/2019-CO/L |
139 | Dr. Chandan Vichoray, Dr. Rupesh Pais and Dr. Vishwas Deshpande | A case –Study on Productivity Study Conducted in Chemical Stores In A Textile Manufacturing Plant | 20915/2019-CO/L |
140 | Dr. Chandan Vichoray, Dr. Rupesh Pais and Dr. Vishwas Deshpande | A Case Study on Productivity Conducted in Pallet Area, DTY Store and General Stores | 20916/2019-CO/L |
141 | Dr. Dipak Jayant Dahigaonkar | CMOS LOGIC | 20918/2019-CO/L |
142 | Dr Padma Adane | Global System For Mobile Communications (GSM) | 11259/2020-CO/L |
143 | Dr Padma Adane | MOBILE IP | 11267/2020-CO/L |
144 | Prof Ankita H Harkare | Lecture Notes on RF Circuit Design | 11324/2020-CO/L |
146 | Dr. Sanjay Bodkhe | Research paper Writing and Methods to Avoid Plagiarism | 11787/2020-CO/L |
148 | Dr Rohini Ochawar,Aman Thakur, Devansh Dubey, Ayush Khandelwal, Karan Thakkar | INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING RFID TECHNOLOGY | 12567/2020-CO/L |
149 | Prof. (Mrs.) Poorvi K. Joshi, I Riya Mohan, Rushibha Adlak and Paramjit Shankarprasad | Telepresence Surveillance Vehicle (An Implementation of Embedded System Application) | 12669/2020-CO/L |
150 | Prof. (Mrs.) Poorvi K. Joshi, I Riya Mohan, Rushibha Adlak and Paramjit Shankarprasad | Microprocessor Laboratory Manual for LED and Seven Segment Display (SSD) Using hardware Vectored interrupt RST 7.5 | 12711/2020-CO/L |
151 | Dr Bhalchandra M Hardas, Rushika Patne, Rutuja Shaniware, Vishakha Shukla | PLC BASED AUTOMATIC BOTTLE FILLING SYSTEM | 13165/2020-CO/L |
152 | Dr Bhalchandra M Hardas, Rohan Khardenavis , Nishad Chaudhari , Swapnil Herwadkar and Saket Agrawal, | Urban Flood Monitoring & Alerting System | 14225/2020-CO/L |
153 | Prof. (Mrs.) Poorvi K. Joshi, Ms. Ayushi Singh and Mr. Nihal Chaudhari | Smart Car Parking System | 14681/2020-CO/L |
154 | Prof Rushikesh Deshmukh | Diode Theory | 15226/2020-CO/L |
155 | Dr Suresh Balpande | Literature Survey -11 Mantras of Do’s and Don’ts | 15602/2020-CO/L |
156 | Prof Rushikesh Deshmukh | Diode Theory-I | 15671/2020-CO/L |
157 | Prof. (Mrs.) Poorvi K. Joshi | LPC 2148 Laboratory Manual | 16494/2020-CO/L |
158 | Prof Shantanu Kulkarni | Questionnaire for the Pilot Study for Doctoral Research on Quality Circles | 16666/2020-CO/L |
159 | Dr. Pravin Y. Karmore | Fundamentals of Prolog Programming | 20533/2020-CO/L |
160 | Prof. A. M. Karandikar Prof. A.R. Raipurkar | LABORATORY MANUAL- DATA WAREHOUSING AND MINING LAB | 282/2021-CO/L |
161 | Prof R G Deshbhratar | NETWORK ANALYSIS EET251 CHAPTER-01 | 1066/2021-CO/L |
163 | Prof Anju Gupta | FLOWCHART FOR PCB FABRICATION PROCESS | 985/2021-CO/L |
164 | Prof Vikas R Gupta | UNIT 2: Large Signal Amplifiers | 1010/2021-CO/L |
165 | Prof. D. D. Shrivastava Dr. D. G. Khushalani | Digital System Design Lab Manual ECT252 | 826/2021-CO/L |
166 | Dr. S. H. Deshmukh | Single Phase Transformer | 884/2021-CO/L |
167 | Prof R G Deshbhratar | NETWORK ANALYSIS EET251 CHAPTER-02 | 1067/2021-CO/L |
168 | Prof Ankita H Harkare | Lecture notes on Computer Architecture | 1398/2021-CO/L |
169 | Prof Archana Tiwari | SMITH CHART | 1439/2021-CO/L |
170 | Dr. Jagdish D. Kene | Linear Convolution (Linear Filtering ) using Discrete Fourier Transform ( DFT | 15234/2020-CO/L |
171 | Dr. Prasad Dahale, Dr. A. A. Mehta, Mr. Vikrant Nair, Mr. Pranay Maidamwar | WORK SHEET ON DESIGN OF SOIL REINFORCEMENT | 2364/2021-CO/L |
172 | Prof Mangesh Joshi | LECTURE PPT ON INTRODUCTION TO DATA SCIENCE | 3508/2021-CO/L |
173 | Prof Mangesh Joshi | LECTURE PPT ON DATA SCIENCE LIFE CYCLE | 3507/2021-CO/L |
174 | Prof Mangesh Joshi | LECTURE NOTES ON DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS | 3858/2021-CO/L |
177 | Dr. Pravin Y. Karmore | OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING THROUGH JAVA | 8627/2021-CO/L |
178 | Prof. Chetana Thaokar | Text Summarization of Devanagari using Genetic Algorithm | 8746/2021-CO/L |
179 | Prof. Chetana Thaokar | Pipelining in Computer Architecture | 8765/2021-CO/L |
180 | Ms. Archana S. Talhar Dr. Sanjay B. Bodkhe | Home ELECTRICAL Energy Management: NET METERING & REAL TIME PRICING | 12921/2021-CO/L |
181 | Kritika Jain Advait Kolse Pallavi Gadewar Dr B M Hardas | PPT On Low-Cost Electro-Mechanical Ventilators | 13161/2021-CO/L |
182 | Dr Sonali Rangari | Basic Concepts of Switches | 13614/2021-CO/L |
184 | Prof.Poorvi K.Joshi Rishabh Pandey Arvind Chowdhary Palash Chandak Shreyash Duragkar | MONITORING MOTIONAL RESISTANCE OF MEMS RESONATOR | 17830/2021-CO/L |
185 | Prof Prasheel Thakre | Memory Organization in Computer Architecture | 17759/2021-CO/L |
186 | Prof. (Ms.) Manisha B. Gaikwad | Introduction of HVDC Transmission System | 13141/2021-CO/L |
187 | Prof. (Ms.) Manisha B. Gaikwad | SHUNT COMPENSATION | 13576/2021-CO/L |
188 | Prof. Vaishali J. Rajurkar | Cancel Slope Stabilization | 23502/2021-CO/L |
189 | Prof. Vaishali J. Rajurkar | Case Studies on Foundation of famous Structure | 23528/2021-CO/L |
190 | Dr B M Hardas Prof Chandra Mohan Goyal | Sarwanam Shabda | 24603/2021-CO/L |
191 | Prof. Himanshu M. Shukla | Lecture PPT on Analysis of Variance ANOVA | 24447/2021-CO/L |
192 | Prof. Himanshu M. Shukla | Lecture PPT on Six Thinking Hats | 24484/2021-CO/L |
193 | Prof. Himanshu M. Shukla | Lecture PPT on Multi-Response Optimization Problems | 24490/2021-CO/L |
194 | Prof. Himanshu M. Shukla | LECTURE PPT ON HYPOTHESIS TESTING IN RESEARCH | 24479/2021-CO/L |
195 | Mrs. Neha Jitesh Zade | Application of Chatbot for Analysis of Big Water Towers | 29822/2021-CO/L |
196 | Prof. Vaishali J. Rajurkar | Stabilization of Steep Slopes | 23512/2021-CO/L |
197 | 1. Dr Suresh Balpande 2. VEDANT MEHTA 3. SWARAJ RATHI 4.PRAYAG ASHTANKAR | Development of TENG simulator (TRIBOSIM) | 17820/2021-CO/SW |
198 | Dr Rajendra Khapre | Python Program for Design of Circular Slab | 1082/2021-CO/SW |
199 | Dr Rajendra Khapre | Python program Design of Bi-axially Loaded Column | 1201/2021-CO/SW |
200 | Dr Suresh S Balpande | HOW TO WRITE RESEARCH ARTICLES | 15814/2022-CO/L |
201 | Dr. Akanksha Deshpande Prof. Jasleen Rihan | PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT MANUAL | 21988/2022-CO/L |
202 | Dr. Tripti Gupta, Prof. Laxmi R. Gangwani, Mr. Kamalnayan Soni, Mr. Riddhesh Bele and Mr. Utkarsh Ghugal | PYTHON PROGRAM FOR DESIGN OF GRIT CHAMBER FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT | 2251/2023-CO/SW |
203 | Dr Suresh S Balpande | SMART SENSORS IN DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION | 22605/2022-CO/L |
204 | Dr. Rajendra N. Khapre, Prof. Laxmi R. Gangwani, Mr. Amogh Deshpande, Mr. Anuj Agrawal, Ms. Kimaya Sathawane | PYTHON PROGRAM FOR DESIGN OF SUSPENSION BRIDGE | 26967/2022-CO/SW |
205 | Dr. Rajendra N. Khapre, Prof. Laxmi R. Gangwani, Mr. Ganesh Bharate, Mr. Musharraf Pathan | Python Program for Most Economical Channel Section | 532/2023-CO/SW |
207 | Dr Suresh S Balpande | MICROCOURSE ON PROJECT REPORT DRAFTING | 15803/2022-CO/L |
IPR Events
IPR Cell
List of IPR workshops/Seminar organized
SN | Department | Name of the Workshop/ Seminar | Date | Session |
1 | EN | Introduction to IPR Management by Dr. Ushoshi Guha | 26-02-2016 | 2015-16 |
2 | EN | Introduction to IPR Management by Mr. Pankaj P. Borkar | 11-11-2016 | 2016-17 |
3 | IPR Cell | Introduction to IPR & resources by Adv. Swapnil Gawande | 25 Oct., 2017 | 2017-18 |
4 | IPR Cell | Research Funding Agencies, Research Proposal writing, New Knowledge Creation and IPR” By Dr. Laximikantan. | 15-Dec-17 | 2017-18 |
5 | IPR Cell | Introduction to IPR & resources by Adv. Swapnil Gawande by IQAC | 17-18, November 2017 | 2017-18 |
6 | IPR Cell | Everything about Patents by Dr. Ushoshi Guha | 29-09-2018 | 2018-19 |
7 | IPR Cell | Webinar on Do’s and Don’ts for Patents Filing Mr. Suneet Sable, Director, Brainiac Global Consulting Pvt. Ltd., Pune | 19-10-2020 | 2020-21 |
8 | IPR Cell | KALAM program for IP literacy abd awarness week: Introduction to IPR: Patents and copyrights by Adv. Swapnil Gawande , BLI consultancy for EN/EC/EDT students | 22-11-2020 | 2020-21 |
9 | IPR Cell | KALAM program for IP literacy abd awarness week: Introduction to IPR: Patents and copyrights by Adv. Swapnil Gawande , BLI consultancy for CS/IT/EE students | 23-11-2020 | 2020-21 |
10 | IPR Cell | KALAM program for IP literacy abd awarness week: Introduction to IPR: Patents and copyrights by Adv. Swapnil Gawande , BLI consultancy for MECH/IND/CIVIl students | 24-11-2020 | 2020-21 |
11 | MBA | An overview of Intellectual Property Rights for Management Professionals by Mr Suneet Sable, Director , BRAINIAC global consulting, Pune, for DMT faculty members | 05-02-2021 | 2020-21 |
12 | ECE-IPR Cell | how to write a patent application? by Mr Suneet Sable, Director , BRAINIAC global consulting, Pune | 14-06-2021 | 2020-21 |
13 | IQAC-IPR | Webinar on patents and copyrights by Alka VErma, RK Dewan and company | 26-06-2021 | 2020-21 |
14 | RCOEM TBI-EN-IPR | 14-07-2021 | 2021-22 | |
15 | RCOEM TBI- TATA CIIIT-ELECTROLITZ-IPR CELL | online workshop on IPR-Patents , Design Filing Process by Dr Pankaj Borkar, Head RGNIIPM, Nagpur | 16-10-2021 | 2021-22 |
16 | EN-IPR CELL | One Day Online Workshop on IPR Awareness and Patentable Invention: 29 June 2022 | 29-06-2022 | 2021-22 |
17 | RCOEM IPR CELL- TBI-DMT | Webinar on Startup and IP Commercialization by Mr. Suneet Sable, Director, BRAINIAC Pune | 11-08-2022 | 2022-23 |
18 | Department of Electronics Engineering | Pre-Invention talk on Patent by Mr. Rushikesh Sonawane, Patent Associate, Brainiac IP Solutions,Pune | 18-08-2022 | 2022-23 |
19 | EN-IPR CELL | How to write research paper by Dr Ushoshi Guha, patent Attorney | 24-08-2022 | 2022-23 |
20 | EN-IPR CELL | Design Hunt Workshop : Filing Design applications and Plagiarism Prevention & Awareness | 22-02-2023 | 2022-23 |
21 | EN-IPR CELL | Design Hunt Workshop : Filing Design applications and Plagiarism Prevention & Awareness | 24-02-2023 | 2022-23 |
Seminars Organized On Intellectual Property Right
A seminar on intellectual property focussing on patents (criteria on patentability and patent search) was organized on 25th October 2017 by the IPR cell, RCOEM, Wednesday. The talk was delivered by Adv. Swapnil Gawande ( Registered Patent attorney). The seminar was well appreciated and was attended in good number by the faculty members.
The talk was followed by an extensive Q&A sessions where the faculty members discussed their issues related to patents and copyrights. The session concluded with Dr. Pais (Dean R& D) presenting Adv. Gawande with memento and vote of thanks by Dr. Priti Mangrulkar (IPR Coordinator).
Seminars Organized On Intellectual Property Right
1. Intellectual Property Management by Mr. Pankaj P. Borkar, Asst. Controller of Patents & Designs, Head of Office, RGNIIPM, Nagpur dated 11 Nov. 2016..20 Participants were benefited from the workshop.
Guest Lecture on ” Intellectual Property Management by Mr. Pankaj P. Borkar, Asst. Controller of Patents & Designs, Head of Office, RGNIIPM, Nagpur
15th December 2017
In continuation with the efforts to inculcate research interest and innovative thinking amongst faculty members, the IPR cell of the institute had organized a guest lecture titled “Research Funding Agencies, Research Proposal writing, New Knowledge Creation and IPR” by Prof. M. LaxmiKantam on 15th December 2017.
In her opening remarks, Dr. Priti Mangrulkar (IPR Coordinator) welcomed all the participants and introduced the guest lecturer Prof. M. LaxmiKantam. Dr. Rajesh Pande (Principal, RCOEM) felicitated and welcomed the esteemed guest.
Thereafter, Prof. M. LaxmiKantam delivered her talk, where she briefed about the various funding agencies that are available for funding of research grants. She also discussed about the different aspects that constitute a good proposal, highlighting the dos and don’ts while writing a research grants. She also emphasized the need for new knowledge creation in the form of patents and its protection. Her talk was followed by interactive Q&A session. Dr. Kanak Vadhwani proposed the vote of thanks to conclude the session.
Prof. M. LaxmiKantam later in the afternoon had a meeting with Dean R&D (Dr. Rupesh Pais) and CRRC members of the institute. She discussed about creation of Centre of Excellence. She also emphasized on enhanced interaction with experts and presentations of research proposals before them, prior to submission for grants.
Prof. M. LaxmiKantam visited the Department of Applied Chemistry as a part of her visit to the institute. Prof. R.S. Dhiran, Head of the department welcomed Prof. M. LaxmiKantam to the department. A formal round of introduction of all the faculty members followed. Prof. M. LaxmiKantam strongly endorsed the inclusion of PG course in Chemistry. She also discussed the queries of faculty members pertaining to their research proposals and offer to lend her support in future.
The fruitful discussion with Prof. M. LaxmiKantam was commemorated by a group photo in the department.
Prof. M. LaxmiKantam at Department of Applied Chemistry
Prof. R.S. Dhiran, Head of the department welcomed Prof. Mihir Chaudhuri to the department. A formal round of introduction of all the faculty members followed, after which Prof. Mihir Chaudhuri appreciated that all the faculty members had Ph.D. degrees. Fruitful discusion and interaction on various aspects of teaching, learning and research activities followed. Some important points of the meeting are highlighted below:
1) Improvisation in the syllabus of Engineering Chemistry Lab
Prof. Chaudhuri discussed and emphasised on the significance of Chemistry at the undergraduate level. He suggested that some new experiments based on organic-inorganic synthesis should be included in the curriculum.
2) Discussion on inclusion of Green Chemistry in the curriculum
Prof. Chaudhuri welcomed the proposal of including the course on Green Chemistry by the department. He discussed at length the importance and various aspects of green chemistry. He proposed to include topics like basic principles of green chemistry, waste minimization , catalysis etc.
3) Research and Development activities
Prof. Mihir Chaudhuri discussed the project proposals submitted by the faculty members and offered to lend his support in research activities. He discussed about the various schemes and funding agencies for possible grants.
The hour long fruitful discussion with Prof. Mihir Chaudhuri was commemorated by a group photo in the department.
Seminars Organized On Intellectual Property Right
1. Intellectual Property Management by Dr. Ushoshi Guha, a Qualified Attorney in IPR, Patent, Trade Mark, Design dated 26-Feb-2016. 30 Participants including faculty members and students were benefited from the workshop. List of the participants is given below.
Guest Lecture by Dr. Ushoshi Guha Organized by IPR cell
IPR cell of the institute had organized a guest lecture titled “Everything about Patents ” by Dr. Ushoshi Guha on 29th September 2018 under the banner of IQAC
Dr. Ushoshi Guha is a senior managing partner of Lex Regia, a firm for legal and IP consultancy. She has filed, prosecuted and obtained more than 100 National IPs and 20 International IPs. She is known for her acumen in arguments and with her experience both academically and professionally and she excels at problem solving in technical and scientific field.
Dr. Ushoshi Guha delivering her talk on “Everything on Patents”
Dr. Usoshi Guha delivered her talk, where she briefly discussed about the advantages and disadvantages of provisional and complete specification. She also discussed about the different aspects patent filing emphasizing on drafting of claims. She also discussed design patents.
Her talk was followed by extensive Q&A session wherein the participants asked Dr. Ushoshi Guha questions related to their patents. The session concluded by Dr. Pais (Dean R&D) presenting the guest with a memento and vote of thanks by Dr. Priti Mangrulkar. (IPR Coordinator).
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