Committees and cells

Internal Complaints Committee 

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) Policy for Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace “No woman shall be subjected to sexual harassment at any workplace.” (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 The aim of this Policy is to promote a social, physical and psychological environment through the following objectives. Objectives: The objectives of the Internal […]


Anti Ragging Committee

Anti Ragging Committee Anti Ragging Squad Functions UGC Regulations Anti-Ragging Notice Creating Awareness among Students about Anti-Ragging Anti Ragging Committee Anti Ragging Committee – (2023-26) No. Category Name 1 Head of the Institution Dr. R. S. Pande 2 Civil Adv. Pradeep Agrawal 3 Police Administration The Police Inspector, Gittikhadan Police Station, Nagpur 4 Local Media […]


Campus Discipline Action Committee

                                                 Campus Discipline Action Committee                                                       […]


Committee for SC and ST

Committee for SC and ST (Prevention of Atrocities) ACT 1989 Objectives: The main objective of this committee is to ensure that no official/faculty members indulge in any kind of discrimination against any community or category of Students. The Committee also looks in to the complaint recieved related to cast discrimination from SC/ST Students/Teaches/NonTeaching Staff and […]


College Grievance Redressal Cell

College Grievance Redressal Cell (CGRC) (As per Para 5(3) of Uniform Statute 5 of 2019 of University) College Grievance Redressal Cell (CGRC)” means a Cell constituted under this Statute, at the level of a college or recognized institution, Functional mechanism of working of the Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell In this statute unless the context otherwise […]


Examination Committee

Examination Committee 2022-23 Institute has constituted Examination Committee as per direction no. 3 of 2016 issued by Rashtrsant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University and the provision made in the XII Plan of U.G.C. guidelines for autonomous colleges. The examination committee consists of the following members: Sr. No. Provision Name Designation 1. The Principal Dr. R. S. […]


Board of Studies

Board of Studies Every programme shall have its own Board of Studies (BOS) to look after all matters pertaining to that particular programme. Composition : Head of the department concerned (Chairman) The entire faculty of each specialization Two experts in the subject from outside the Institute to be nominated by the Academic Council. One expert […]


Academic Council

Academic Council Term.- The term of the nominated members shall be three years ;Meetings.- Academic Council shall meet at least twice a year.Powers and Functions of the Academic Council.—–The Academic Council shall have the following powers and functions: a) To scrutinize and approve the proposals with or without modifications of the Board of Studies with […]