Events 2023
Website Data (22-23)SSTDRI-22 Report
Report of SSTDRI-22Site Visit Report
Site visit ReportBamboo Plantation Drive 2022
Web Site Update (21-22)Program on Workman Practice Oriented Professional Training
Professional TrainingNEEV 2022
NEEV 2022Fire Safety Workshop
Report of Fire safety workshopATAL tunnel visit
ATAL TunnelOne Day National Conference on Recent Trends in Civil Engineering (RTCE-2021)
Department of Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering Students’ Association (CESA) organized, “One Day National Conference on Recent Trends in Civil Engineering” on 13th February 2021. Every year CESA organizing the various National level competitions under the banner of NEEV. This year due to a pandemic situation virtual (Online) National Conference was organized.
The One day National conference was virtually attended by around 100 delegates from Academia and Civil Engineering sector in and around Nagpur. There are 26 papers on the topics like Structural Engineering, Environment/ Water resources and General Civil Engineering were presented. Best papers have been selected by the judges, faculties of the various colleges like VNIT, YCCE and KDKCE Nagpur. Overall coordination was done by Prof. V.J. Rajurkar and team.

30 Days Workshop on AutoCAD -2D 2020
(4th January to 4th February 2021)
Department of Civil Engineering of Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur organized a training program on AutoCAD-2D 2020 (CAD software application for design and drafting.) for Under Graduate Civil Engineering students from 4th January to 4th February 2021. The program was coordinated by Prof. V.J. Rajurkar, Prof. H. P. Khungar, and Prof. S.S. Geete.
The training was jointly provided by our coordinators and our own Alumni (expert faculty from industry Ms. Neha Pawar). An educational copy of software was provided to students free of cost.
Dr. P. D. Pachpor, Head of the Department inaugurated the workshop which was attended by 24 participants of second year (First and second shift). The course was conducted online and offline mode, around 10-15 students joined online and rest of the students attended in departmental laboratory maintaining social distance as per Govt. norms
They acknowledged the need for such workshops as industries institute interaction and in enhancement of basic knowledge of students. Students were highly benefited by this course and appreciated the application of software for drawing of various Civil Engineering structures.

Online Parents Meet on October 10, 2020
A Parent – Teacher Meet was organized by the Civil Engineering Department on October 10, 2020 (Saturday) from 12 Noon to 01.00 p.m on online mode via. Google Meet for the current session 2020-21 (Odd Sem). The meeting was addressed by head of the department, Dr. P. D. Pachpor. It was attended by various faculty members of the department. This meet received a very good response from the parents of III (Shift I & Shift II), V (Shift I & Shift II), and VII (Shift I & Shift II) semester students. More than 100 parents attended the online meet and interacted openly.

Webinar on ‘Career Opportunities in Civil Engineering’ 14th September 2020
Department of Civil Engineering organized, online “Know Your Branch Plan Your Career” under the banner of Career Counselling Cell for Second year students (III Semester) on 14th September 2020. All the speakers addressed the students on “Career Opportunities in Civil Engineering”.
A lecture on “Career opportunities in Construction Industry and Management Sectors” was delivered by expert Mr. Amol Shimpi, The Associate Dean and Director, School of Real Estate, Mumbai. He covered various job careers in construction industries, self employments potentials in civil engineering and its benefits. Also the importance of software’s in modern infrastructural planning was discussed.
Another lecture was delivered by Mr. Lloyd Palikandy, Director of I.C.E. Gate Institute, Nagpur, On “Preparation for Higher studies” who covered the different PG programs after graduation and how to prepared for the entrance examinations of it.
The last lecture on the topic, “ How to prepare for Competitive Examinations” was delivered by Dr. Ankit Kathuria, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT-Jammu, he covered the different opportunities in government sectors, how to prepared for it, interview technique and selection procedure.
FDP (Online mode) on “Advances in Pile Foundation, Construction and Design” (June 8th- 13th 2020)
Department of Civil Engineering, RCOEM, Nagpur in association with Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi and IGS Nagpur Local chapter has jointly organized an online Faculty Development Program on,” Advances in Pile Foundation ,Construction and Design” from 8th to 13th June 2020. Around 71 participants got benefitted.
Series of online Guest Lectures organized in Department during Lockdown May 2020
Sr.No | Topic of Guest Lecture | Name of the Expert, Designation and Organization |
1 | Legal advices in construction industry | Mr. Sandip Shastri, Legal Advisor |
2 | Modular formwork technology | Mr. Rahul Zanzari, Sales Engineer, Paschal Formwork India Pvt. Ltd. |
3 | Steel Detailing | Mr. Milind Kalsait, Director, Myspace Engineering Services, Nagpur |
4 | Waste to Energy | Mr. Ramesh Daryapurkar, CEO, Lars Enviro Pvt. Ltd. |
5 | Fire fightening system and norms | Mr. R.P. Singh, Sr. Manager, MECON Ranchi |
6 | New Building Products | Er. Amarendra Surve of UltraTech Cement Ltd. |
7 | FEA with ANSYS: Civil Engineering Case Studies | Mr. Kumar Kartikeya, Senior Appilcation Manager, ANSYS, Pune |
8 | Geosynthetics Products and Their Applications | Mr. Thomas Cherian, Regional Quality Manager, Maccaferri, Pune |
9 | Piling Technology Initiatives for Acclerating India’s Infrastructure Growth | Dr. S. S. Basarkar, GM, Afcons Infra. Ltd., Mumbai |
10 | Analysis and Design of Underground Structures | Dr. Altaf Usmani, Asst. GM, EIL, Delhi |
11 | Case studies on rockfall, landslide hazard assessment, remedial measures | Dr. Mohammad Khalid Ansari, Sr. Geologist, Dar Al Handasah |
12 | Webinar Series on Recent Trends in Civil Engineering | BIM by Ms. Hindavi Gavali of VNIT Nagpur PRIMAVERA by Mr. Nandakumar, Consultant, Nagpur CONNECT Edition by Dr. R.N. Khapre; and Reading of Structural Drawing by Prof. S. S. Geete. |
13 | “Construction of Long Span Bridges” | Mr. Yogesh Waingankar, Sr. Manager (Design), STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. |
14 | Impact of Artificial intelligence & ANN in AEC | Dr. Jayant M Desphande, General Manager, Software Corporate, Dubai. |
15 | Structural Audit & Methodologies | Mr. Shekhar Gokhale, Managing Director, SIMCON Designers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. |
Some glimpses of online webinars
- Lecture on “Female health care concerns and their solutions”
On occasion of International Women’s day, Department of Civil Engineering has organized an expert lecture by Dr. Sanjay Sharma on 6th March 2020 in department conference room for females (teaching staff members and students) of our institute on topic “Female health care concerns and their solutions”. He had a total of 22 Years of L&D and has got certified upon L& D aspect from Indian Society of Training & Development.
Around 30 female faculty members and students attended the same on a very short notice.
He shared his knowledge on cervical cancer, its causes, risk factors, symptoms and its impact on Female health. He informed about Cervical cancer .Sir suggested some solutions, one of which was use of air permeable organic sanitary pads which can save the problem of chances of cervical cancer to some extent.
Overall the expert lecture was very much informative, appreciating and knowledgeable.
Workshop on ‘Introduction to Connect Edition’ at RCOEM, Nagpur
Department of Civil Engineering, RCOEM, Nagpur and Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (ACCE), Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) and Association of Licensing Engineers has jointly organized one day workshop on “Introduction to Connect Edition” on 29th February 2020. Mr. Satish Raipure, Vice President (West), ACCE and Mr. Prashant Upasni, Secretary ACCE, Nagpur center were present during the inauguration of this workshop. Expert Mr. Kaushal Aggarwal from Bentley, India was also present during the inauguration of the workshop.

After the inauguration function, a lecture on “Introduction Connect Edition” was delivered by expert Mr. Kaushal Aggarwal. He covered many features newly added in the latest version of After high tea, hands-on-session was conducted by Mr. Kaushal Aggarwal. This hands-on-session was continued after lunch wherein participants worked on may STAAD models.

After hands-on-session sessions, valedictory was conducted. Dr. P. D. Pachpor, HoD, Civil Engineering Department, RCOEM, interacted with participants and distributed certificates to participants.

Formal vote of thanks was given by Dr. R. N. Khapre at the end of the ceremony. The feedback from participants was also collected at the end of the function. About 26 participants including practicing engineers, educators and students participated in this workshop. The feedback from participants indicated that more workshop of such type may be organized to provide practical knowledge.
National conference and expo on “Advances in Mining and Geotechnical Engineering” GEOMINE 2019
A National conference and expo on “Advances in Mining and Geotechnical Engineering” GEOMINE 2019 was organised on 14th -16th Oct 2019 at Hotel Tuli Imperial, Nagpur. The conference was jointly organized by Civil Engineering department of Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management , Nagpur Branch of Indian Mines Manager Association and VNIT Mining Alumni Association.
Shri Dipankar Shome , Director, Production and Planning , MOIL ltd. was guest of honor of inauguration ceremony. He told how by doing value addition to manganese MOIL Ltd is selling manganese di oxide. He stressed that efforts in R & D needs to be augmented for mining in leaner ores and deep zones which are also geotechnicaly challenging.
Shri Govindlal Agrawal, General Secretary of Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur in his presidential address stressed the need for extending know how to small scale mining sector. He desired better interaction between academic institutions and industry for mutual benefit.
A souvenir containing extract of papers was also released by the dignitaries.
The valedictory session was chaired by Shri Manoj Kumar, Director Technical Operations and Shri Ajit Choudhari, Director Technical Projects from WCL. Shri Manoj Kumar stressed the need of continuous geotechnical studies as mines are becoming deep and the formation more challenging. Shri Choudhari asked the participants to visit Eco Park and mineral water plant to get idea of innovativeness.
Alumni of mining department of Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management presented a cheque of Rs Two Laks to General Secretary of the college Shri Govindlal Agrawal for constituting Gold Medal in the name of mining engineer late Shri Saheb Singh.President of IMMA, Shri Sanodiya gave welcome address and Chairman of Conference organizing Committee Diwakar Gokhale presented details of conference. Prof Manoj Tiwari proposed vote of thanks.
The three day conference was attended by 150 delegates from academia, coal, metal, explosives, R &D, copper, zinc, cement, DGMS and geotechnical sector. More than 45 papers on topics like rock mechanics, geotechnical testing and exploration, geo environment, geo informatics, ground improvement techniques, instrumentation, design and modeling were presented. In the conference retired senior mining engineers were also felicitated. Key note papers were presented by Shri Rakesh Tumane, Director, MOIl Ltd, Dr Sunil Baraskar, GM, AFFCONS, Dr J C Jhanwar, Principal Scientist, CIMFR and Dr G G Manekar, G M, MOIL . Open session was conducted to prepare recommendation of the conference in which all the delegates participated and gave their valuable suggestions.
Stalls of mining machinery and geo textiles were also added attraction. Peer reviewed twenty five papers were also selected for publication in Web of Science index E Journal HELIX. Delegates were also taken to mineral water plant and Eco tourism Park at Saoner.
A joint team of mining and geotechnical professionals from various public sector undertakings, Government departments and faculty members of civil engineering department, RCOEM under the mentorship of Dr P D Pachpor, Head, Civil Engineering Department, RCOEM and Prof. M. S. Tiwari Organizing Secretary worked hard for the successful organization of the conference.

International Conference on “Recent issues in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Solutions”(RICESS2019)
Civil Engineering department of Shri Ramdeobaba College Of Engineering and Management organized an international conference on “Recent Issue in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Solution“ (RICESS2019) on 27th and 28th December 2019 which aimed to raise the awareness of sustainability in every aspect of Infrastructure Development which mainly focuses on the dissemination of information and technology, sharing of expertise and exchange of views.
The main objectives of the conference were to bring awareness of the latest demand and technology for sustainable infrastructure development. It was planned to bring planners, researchers, academicians, practicing engineers, policy-makers, regulators, administrators, investors, legal & IT solution providers, and NGOs on a common platform to share and discuss their experiences, technical advancement, constraints and other significant issues on the sustainable infrastructure development and management.
The inaugural function was graced with presence of Engg. Ulhas Debadwar Chief Engineer PWD/NMC , was the chief guest and Dr. Gajanan Sabnis (Emeritus professor), Haward University Washington DC as guest of honor and key note speaker. The program started with lightning of lamps and felicitation of guest by vice-chairman of RCOEM Shri Chandrakantbhai Thakkar and secretary of RCOEM Shri Rajendra Purohit. Dr. A.K. Sharma Convener of conference briefed about the sustainable solutions of construction and discussed the importance of sustainable development in present scenario. Dr P.D. Pachpor HOD civil briefed the progress of Civil Engineering department and highlighted the activities organized by civil department. Dr R.S. Pande Principal RCOEM welcomed the guests and dignitaries in the pious campus of RCOEM and expressed his concern over the issues of civil engineering and in his speech suggested the use of recycle material in construction practices for the betterment of environment.
Chief guest Engineer Ulhas Debadwar Chief Engineer PwD & NMC expressed his views about the recent issues and suggested various means and practices adopted by the government agencies to reduce the population and carbon foot prints for the sustainable development. He also urged for young civil engineer to give thoughts for green house effect and energy conversation.
Dr Gajanan Sabnis professor Emeritus Haward Univesity Washington D.C., in his speech ignited the young minds and provoked the thoughts of solid waste management , water conservation, green house effect and efficient energy management for sustainable growth and development of country by narrating the various examples of USA.
Vice chairman RCOEM, in his presidential speech Shri Chandrakant Bhai Thakkar blessed the organizers of the conference with his kind word of wisdom. He narrated that population is the root cause of deterioration of environment so it is the need of the hour to control its first for sustainable happiness and peace of the society (sighting the examples of Delhi pollutions he expressed his concern over the traffic and land used in city).
The various keynotes of the speakers were
Topic | Keynote | Designation |
Transportation engineering | Dr. Gajanan Sabnis | Emeriuts professor, Haward university |
Structural Engineering | Dr. M. Kewalramani | COE Abu Dhabi university UAE |
Sustainable construction practices | Dr. Vimal Gahlot | Director , Center for research and sustainable development Bikaner Rajasthan |
Environmental Engineering | Dr. Ritesh Vijay | Scientist ,NEERI |
Total 45 papers were presented during the conference the program and attended by various industry professional, academics and research scholars.
Formal vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Vaidehi Dakwale.
Prof. Harshad Bhave , Prof. Hariom Khungar ,Prof. Vaishali Rajurkar , Dr. Tripti Gupta, Prof. Sumit Geete ,Prof. Varsha Harne, Dr. Sharda Siddh, Dr. Ashish Mehta , Dr. Prasad Dahale and Dr. Prashant Hiwase worked hard for successful conduction of event.

Guest Lectures 2019 conducted in Civil Engineering Dept.
Sr.No | Topic of Guest Lecture | Date | Name of the Expert, Designation and Organization |
1 | Business intelligence with excel | 27.07.2018 | Mr. Chandrahas Chaudhary, Consultant, InSoftDev, Nagpur |
2 | Basics of Numerical modeling | 15.09.2018 | Dr. John Loui Porathur, Senior Principal Scientist, Central Mining and Research Institute, Nagpur |
3 | Energy Conservation Building Code and Case Studies | 08/02/2019 | Dr. Rahul Ralegaonkar Professor, VNIT, Nagpur |
4 | Ground Imrovement Techniques | 08/03/2019 | Dr. Amit Padade Assistant Professor, VNIT, Nagpur |
5 | How to Prepare for Competitive examinations | 13/03/2019 | Mr. Anand Sharma, Head, ICE Nagpur |
6 | Softwares on analysis and design of Structures | 13/03/2019 | Er. Kanchan Raut, Jr.Faculty Astral |
7 | Traffic Flow Theory | 19/03/2019 | Dr. Udit Jain, Assistant Professor, VNIT, Nagpur |
8 | Career Opportunities after Engineering | 19/03/2019 | Mr. Mehul Zhunzhunwala, Director, T.I.M.E. |
9 | Bamboo: as a Construction Material | 29/03/2019 | Mr. Sunil joshi Chairman: Bamboo Society of India, Maharashtra Chapter |
10 | Bamboo: as a Construction Material | 29/03/2019 | Mr. Sanjeev Karpe bamboo activist & a member of Bamboo Society of India, Maharashtra Chapter |
11 | Critical Interpretation of Field and Laboratory Test Results | 30/03/2019 | Prof. Atul Gautam, Geotechnical Expert, Pollution and Ecological Control Services, Nagpur |
12 | Disposal of Municipal Solid and Industrial Waste | 02/04/2019 | Dr. Dilip lataye, Professor, VNIT, Nagpur |
13 | Soil Structure Interaction And Fundamental Of Foundation Design | 20/04/2019 | Dr. Shrabony Adhikary Associate Professor, VNIT, Nagpur |
14 | Why Civil Engineering? Opportunities for higher studies abroad, preparing for private sector companies in campus | 27/07/2019 | Dr. Ankit Kathuria, Asst. Prof. , Civil Dept. , VNIT |
15 | Jobs in Government sector (MPSC, IES Railways )and PSUs: | 27/07/ 2019 | Mr. Girish Lala, Manager, RITES Ltd |
Site visits organized in 2019
S.N. | Name of Site | SEM | No. of Students visited | Date/Duration | Outcome of Visit |
1 | Construction Site of Pilice Headquarter, Seminary Hill, Nagpur | VI semester B. E. Civil (I-Shift) | 50 | 4th April 2018 | Understand field working atmosphere, advance construction materials, execution processes. |
2 | Construction site of Maul (G+7), WHC Road, Nagpur. | VI semester B. E. Civil (I-Shift) | 69 | 9th January 2019 | Understand field working atmosphere, advance construction materials and technique , execution processes. |
3 | Aquades Pvt. Ltd.” Dharampeth, Nagpur. | 63 | 16th January 2019 | Understand the non distructive testing techniques, for structural Audit of Building. | |
4 | “Construction site of Underpinning work of residence” of Mr. Mehta at Tekanaka, Nagpur | 22 | 19th January 2019 | Experience the concept and construction of Underpinning work | |
5 | Construction site of Residential cum commercial Complex , Friends Colony, Nagpur. | 22 | 19th January 2019 | Understand field working atmosphere, advance construction materials and technique , execution processes. | |
6 | “ ROB site and RE wall construction”, Chich bhavan, Wardha Road, Nagpur | 30 | 30th January 2019 | Understand the various components of ROB, Girder Launching, and construction of RE wall | |
7 | “Water Treatment Plant, Gorewada, Nagpur | 63 | 6th February 2019 | Understand the various Process involved in water purification system and its execution. |
Workshop organised in 2019
Sr No | Name of workshop | Date/Duration | Name of Expert | Name of Coordinator | Number of participants |
1 | Concrete Mix Design | 2 Days10th July to 11th July 2019 | Mrs. Madhumati Nanwani | Prof. M. S. Tiwari Dr. S. P. Siddh, Prof. S. S. Geete, Dr. T. G. Gupta Prof. Hariom Khungar | 90 |
2 | Advance trends in civil engineering for sustainable development | 2 Days14 | Eminent personalities from the field of civil Engg | Dr.A.K.SharmaDr.P.D.Hiwse | 250 |
3 | Hands-on training on Non-destructive Testing | 2 Days30th March to 31st March 2019. | Mr. Ravi Ranande | Prof. M. S. Tiwari Dr. S. P. Siddh, Prof. S. S. Geete, Dr. T. G. Gupta Prof. Hariom Khungar | 96 |
4 | 15 days’ workshop on Autocad training | 15 Days14th July 2019- 04th Aug 2019 | Ms. Neha Pawar Prof. H.P. Khungar and Prof. S.S. Geete | Prof. H.P. Khungar and Prof. S.S. Geete | 51 |
Mrs. Madhumati Nanwani with faculty and participants

Mr. Ravi Ranade demonstrating various NDT instruments to the participants

15 days’ workshop on Autocad training

Parent – Teacher Meet

NEEV 2019

Guest Lectures 2018
Topic of Guest Lecture | Date | Name of the Expert, Designation and Organization |
Career Opportunities in Civil Engineering | 06/01/2018 | Mr. Anuj Parmar, Mr. Tanmay Mehendale (Alumini) |
Reading Civil Engineering Drawings | 19/01/2018 | Ar. Ramesh Barpande Consulting Architect, Nagpur |
High Performance Concrete | 23/01/2018 | Dr. Indubhushan Patnaikuni, School of Engineering. RMIT University Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia. |
BIM (Building Information Modelling) | 24/01/2018 | Mr. Viraj Voditel Managing Director, Techture, Nagpur. |
Aptitude Test | 02/02/2018 | Mr. Avnash Naidu Director- Academics, CL Educate, Nagpur. Mr. K. A. Dhakate Center Director- Academics, CL Educate, Nagpur. |
Advances in Deep Foundation | 07/03/2018 | Dr. S.S. Basarkar, General Manager (Geotechnical) AFCONS Infrastructure Ltd, Mumbai. |
Quality and Safety in Construction | 26/03/2018 | Dr. R. V. Ralegaonkar Associate Professor, VNIT, Nagpur |
******Guest Lecture Delivered*******
- Prof. M.S. Tiwari, “Development of underground mines by decline”, 17 January 2018, MOIL (India) , and working site engineers of MOIL were the targeted members.
- Prof. M.S. Tiwari, “Sustainable development using innovative technology in mines”, 27 January 2018, IBM, Katni, MP , and working site engineers, Mine owners, Govt. Officers were the targeted members.
- Prof V.J. Rajurkar, “Basics of Geotechnical Engineering and Advance techniques of Stabilization”, 03/01/2018, at Regional Training Centre, Nagpur.
- Prof V.J. Rajurkar, “Basics Importance and Method of Geotechnical exploration. Advance techniques of stabilization.” 08/03/2018, at Regional Training Centre, Nagpur.
- Prof V.J. Rajurkar, “Construction Management and Quality Control.” 05/03/2018 to 09/03/2018, at Regional Training Centre, Nagpur
- Prof V.J. Rajurkar, “Construction Management and Quality Control.” 02/01/2018 to 06/01/2018, at Regional Training Centre, Nagpur
site visits 2018
- Students of II Semester M. Tech. Structural Engineering and Industrial Engineering visited construction site with prestressed concrete slab located at Pratap nagar, Nagpur, Maharashtra on 11/01/2018. Total 19 Students visited this site. This visit was organized by civil engineering department so that students get exposure to structural aspect of building specifically prestressed concrete slab.
- Students of IIIrd Year Civil Engineering visited to Mehta Construction, Maharashtra Police & Housing & WC Ltd, Katol Road Nagpur on 12 January 2018. This visit was organized by civil engineering department so that students get exposure to structural aspect of building.
- Students of IIIrd Year Civil Engineering visited construction site of Keshav- Laxmi Apartment , at Infront of Rathod Lawn, Gorewada square, ring road Nagpur on 09 March 2018 at 01:00 pm. This visit was organized by civil engineering department so that students get exposure of House Plumbing System.
- Students of IIIrd Year Civil Engineering visited construction site of Raft cum Box type Footing & Combined Footing located near SPL Fitness Club, Hazaripahad area,Nagpur on 23 March 2018 at 01:00 pm in site visit slot. This visit was organized by civil engineering department so that students get exposure of Reinforcement work.
- Students of IIIrd Year Civil Engineering visited Gosikhurd Dam, Pauni, Bhandara, Maharashtra on 27/03/2018. Total 150 Students visited this site. This visit was organized by civil engineering department so that students get exposure to construction and modern techniques involved in dam to maintain the flow of water. Prof. V.J. Rajurkar, Prof. P.D. Hiwase, Prof. U.Patil, Prof. L.R. Gangwani, Prof. A.H. Padade and Prof. N. S. Agrawal accompanied students during the visit.
Workshop organised :2018

Workshop/ Conference Attended
- Prof. M.S. Kadu, “Compass- 2018”, 09- 10 February 2018 , National Conference on “ Advances in Surveying, Mapping and Geospatial Technologies” , hosted by Association of Consulting Civil Engineers, Nagpur.
- Prof. M.S. Tiwari, “Compass- 2018”, 09- 10 February 2018 , National Conference on “ Advances in Surveying, Mapping and Geospatial Technologies” , hosted by Association of Consulting Civil Engineers, Nagpur.
- Prof. M.S. Kadu, “Personality Development and emotional intelligence ”, 17 March 2018 , One day Workshop , held in Government College of Engineering, Nagpur.
Beyond academics:
Parent – Teacher MeetOther Activity
Stakeholder MeetCapacity building activities

Dignitaries unveiling Audacious 17
Department has organized several guest lectures, the details are below
Topic of Guest Lecture | Date | Name of the Expert, Designation and Organization |
Alignment of Canal | 09/10/2017 | Mr. Narayan Gajanan Oke, Retired Deputy Engineer, Irrigation Department. |
Entrepreneurship | 27/10/2017 | Mr. Gurudev Somani, Alumini Of RCOEM, Nagpur. |
Air Pollution And Its Control Equipments | 01/11/2017 | Dr. Dilip Lataye, Associate Professor, VNIT, Nagpur. |
1. Dr. V.A. Dakhwale, “Sustainable Water Technology”, 23 December 2017, Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering and Management, Badnera one day workshop for faculties.
2. STTP attended
1. Faculty Development Programme on “Finite Element Practice and Applications” organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur from 31stOctober to 4th November, 2017.
Department has organized several site visits, the details are below
Students of I Semester and III Semester M. Tech. Structural Engineering and I Semester M. Tech. Geotechnical Engineering visited rock slope stabilization project located at Muktagiri, Betul, Madhya Pradesh on 10/10/2017 at 01:00 pm. Total 39 Students visited this site. This visit was organized by civil engineering department so that students get exposure to structural and geotechnical aspect of rock slope stabilization. Dr. R. N. Khapre, Prof. R. P. Kinhikar, Dr. S. P. Siddh, Prof. P. D. Hiwase, and Prof. N. S. Agrawal accompanied students during the visit. During the visit, students observed construction and installation of gabian wall and wire mesh installation for rock slope stabilization. Engineer Mr. Arpit Nage working with Mr. Suhas Bhave at Muktagiri explained ongoing works for strengthening the slope.
Beyond academics:
1.Parent – Teacher MeetNEEV 2017

Guest Lecture (2017-18)
Parent Teacher Meet
Guest lectures
Entrepreneurship Development Cell
SN | Name of Speaker | Topic of Lecture |
1 | Dr. Mrs. Valson | Integration of Civil engineering with Interior Designing to open new business fronts with special reference to girl students. |
2 | Mr Anil Nair | Recent changes in Rules and Regulations in the area of development and construction of flat schemes |
3 | Mr. Prasanna Sutone | Unfolding opportunities by integrating solar systems in construction of structures |
4 | Mr. Kunal Dubey | Opportunities in the soft skill sector in civil engineering with special reference to BIS |
5 | Dr. Dilip Mase | Opportunities of enterprise in various structural fields |
6 | Dr. Rohit Mane | Business opportunities in the areas of surveying, Geometrics and remote sensing |
7 | Mr. Prakash Ghushe | Opportunities of business in the areas of construction chemicals and seepage control |
8 | Dr Ramulu More | Business Opportunities in Controlled Blasting techniques with special reference to Demolition of Structures and Urban blasting like Metro rail |
9 | Prof. Uday Mujumdar | Business opportunities in Home Automation |
10 | Prof. M S Tiwari | Legalities involved in civil engineering business |
11 | Dr. P. D. Pachpor | Motivational speech on Entrepreneurship |
12 | Ms. Kushal Kadu and Ms. Neha Janbade | Judges of competition on “Layouting” |
13 | Mr. Motwani | Judge of competition on “Tendering” |
“Site Visits”
“Technicalities of Water GEMS Software”

“Context Capture, Acute 3D & Microstation”

“Short Term Train Program (STTP)”

Department of Civil Engineering has organized various Guest Lecture for UG/PG students
NS | Invited speaker | Topic | Date |
1 | Mr. B L Mehta, Director, M/s P L Mehta Construction company, Chandigarh | Construction techniques | 21 October 2016 |
2 | Mr. Rohit Naik, Business Director, Apple Chemie India Pvt. Ltd. | How to Choose Construction Chemical For Advanced Projects | 22 October 2016 |
3 | Mrs. Meenal Dehadrai, Aquades Structural Consultants Pvt Ltd. | How to Read Structural Drawing | 24 October 2016 |
4 | Mr. Manmath Deshpande, Head, Aptitude Development Centre, Nagpur | Vedic Mathematics | 18-19 January 2017 |

Department has organized a National Conference on ‘Development in Civil Engg. & Technology for Smart Cities (DCESC 2016)’ on 19th and 20th Feb 2016 in association with Indian Water Works Association.
Department has organized One day workshop on “Blasting Methods for construction and demolition” on 7 Feb. 2015
Department of Civil Engineering has organized various site visits of UG/PG students
SN | Event | Date | No of Students |
1 | Site visit to Gorewada Water Treatment Plant (WTP) | 7 August 2015 | 16 |
2 | Site visit to Gorewada Water Treatment Plant (WTP) | 5 August 2016 | 11 |