COMMUNIQUE – The Student Society of Electronics and Communication Department
2.-23-24-Traditional-Day-Report1.-23-24-ECPL-Report4.-2022-23-communique-Java-training-Program-Report3.-ekatra-2022-23-Communique-Event-Report2.-2022-23-communique-ECPL22-REPORT1.-2022-23-Communique-Microsoft-Azure-workshop-reportQuizzique-Event-Report-tECxpression-2021Evolving-Electron-Event-Report-tECxpression-2021Break-the-CODE-Event-Report-tECxpression-2021Technical-Treasure-Event-Report-tECxpression-2021Registration of Student Society Communique Register Here
‘COMMUNIQUE’- the student society of Electronics and Communication branch of Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, has been actively involved in participating and conducting in the various events in the institutes beautiful campus.
These events are the foundation stones for the overall development of the students in technical and non technical domains. This platform mostly contributes in bringing out the creative side of the student. Students not only interact among batch mates, seniors or juniors but also get guidance from eminent personalities from industries. The external guests motivate the students through guest lecture, group discussion, workshops and industrial visits organized through this society for and by the students.
EKATRA 2019 – Installation Ceremony of the Communique Student Society
The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has organized a one-day installation program on 23rd August 2019. The program was organized for installation of students Society ‘Communique’ in the EC department for the session 2019-20, by the induction of student committee.
A forum called ‘communique’ has been set up by the department which provides a platform to the students and staff to showcase their talent through various technical, curricular and cocurricular activities. The membership of the Society is open to all students of Electronics and Communication Engineering. The installation of Communique in the EC department marks the beginning of the journey of knowledge for all the student members.

Dr. R. B. Raut lighting the traditional lamp with Mrs. Sadhana Ratnaparkhi, and Prof. P. N. Thakre
Mrs. Sadhana Ratnaparkhi General Manager (Operations), Novatech, Nagpur as a Chief Guest, H.O.D Dr. R. B. Raut, student society Teacher Incharge, Prof. P. N. Thakre, Communique President Mr. Navin Gupta, Communique Secretory Mr. Abdul Sheik, all faculty members and students of the department were present for the inaugural ceremony.

Chief guest Mrs. Sadhana Ratnaparkhi, General Manager (Operations), Novatech, Nagpur Inaugurating the Official Magazine Release by Communique Society.

Student Felicitation for their achievement by Chief Guest Mrs. Sadhana Ratnaparkhi.

Newly installed student society 2019-20.

The inaugural ceremony was followed by various cultural events at evening.
Achievements under student society:
Department stood first in the following:
1st in Branch cup Dance cup Lit cup Girls sports
2nd in Placement Boys sports branch cup 2018

Click hereMore details of felicitated achievers and photographs for photo gallery can be found in the attached installation report.