ROLE No. 2- (2018-19)

The above picture is from one of the plays titled “LIC”. The actors who performed are Supril Singh, Joy Mukhopadhyay, Mayurima Kanzarkar, Himanshu Chandak, Shubhankar Kholkute, Harshada Sathawane& Radhika Sainani. It was directed by Harshada Sathawane& Rishabh Shukla and written by Shubhankar Kholkute. The play was a dramatic take on greed that exists in society.

This picture is from the play “Dil Ki Pukaar”. The actors are Keshav Mohta, Gurbeer Singh Sokhi &Vaidehi Rai. It was directed by Sanskruti Bajoria and written by Ashwin Shukla. The entire play is a beautiful exchange of romantic poetry between two long lost lovers.
The club performed on the Independence Day 2018. The club performed a skit on Bhagat Singh, the highly revered patriotic figure in the Indian Independence Movement.

Actor Varun Lall essaying the role of Bhagat Singh in the skit.

The entire cast of the play post-performance. The play brought tears in the eyes of the audience and was truly appreciated by the entire faculty members and students alike.
Also, a non-verbal act (mime) was performed by the club members in addition to the play in order to pay respect to the Indian Army.

A street play depicting ‘Fight against Naxalism’ was performed on 15th August 2017. It portrayed how we have evolved in terms of technology and yet we are unable to eradicate evil social problems like Naxalism. The effort was extremely moving and was appreciated by all of the faculties present in the audience.

A still featuring Tanuja Setiya, Viddhesh Gharpure, and Aditya Tripathi in action.

A depiction of the aftermath of the violence created by social evils. In the picture from left to right: Vivek Thaware, Viddhesh Gharpure, Saurabh Upwanshi.
Role No. is a show organized by the club during the odd semester. The first edition of the show took place on 29th August 2017 and consisted of four entertaining plays of different genres and a Mime. All the plays, as well as the Mime, were directed and performed by the members of the club.

A still from the play called “Jholachaap”, an intriguing comedy play which posed some questions on what is ethically right and what isn’t. It was performed by Rishabh Shukla, Vishad Jain, and Vivek Thaware and was directed by Pranav Barbate.

“The Dictionary Salesman”, a comedy whirlwind based on the unending misunderstandings within a family and how an outsider would react to such chaos. It was performed by Nishad Janefalkar, Sakshi Bhullar, Aman Paul, Nishigandha Gawande, and Nikita Sen and directed by Rajat Agarwal.

The above picture is a still from “The Interview”, a comedy play based on a usual day in the office for a troubled interviewer which takes an unfortunately hilarious turn. It was performed by Rishabh Shukla, Punit Bhatia, Harshada Sathawane, Siddharth Gupta, Akshay Agarwal and directed by Saurabh Hardas.
On the special eve of Republic Day on 26th January 2018, Drama Club presented a Mime highlighting ‘Women Empowerment’ and a musical skit based on communal unrest and its eventual worthlessness.

A still from the Mime. It laid emphasis on how women are pillars of society and their expanding influence in various walks of life. The mime was performed by Lipika Chaudhary, Radhika Sainani, Varun Lall, Tanishk Paradkar, Samwardhan Khandelwal and Kaustubh Tawani and directed by Viddhesh Gharpure.

A skit in the form of a musical based on the communal unrest which is still prevalent even in these times of tremendous development and how it hinders the growth of the nation. It was performed by Ashwin Shukla, Rishabh Shukla, Vivek Thaware, Bushra Haque, Shubhankar Kholkute, Nishikant Katre, Siddharth Gupta, and Saurabh Upwanshi and directed by Nishad Jannefallkar.
Qirdaar is a show organized by the club during even semester. The first-ever edition of the show took place on April 3rd, 2018 and consisted of six entertaining plays of different genres, ranging from comedy to thrillers. All the plays were directed and performed by the members of the club.

A still from the play “Cyanide”, a suspense dark comedy where a psychopath meets a therapist for help but the story unfolds very differently with a plot twist at the end of the act. It was performed by Radhika Goyanka and Rupaditya Bisen and directed by Nikita Sen, Tanuja Setia, Sanskruti Bajoria and Sakshi Bhullar.

The above picture depicts an intense scene from the play “ Aakhri Sawaari”, an exchange between a driver and man which turns into pulsating suspense that changes their whole lives altogether, directed by Vivek Thaware. It was performed by Prateek Saluja and Keshav Mohta.

A still from “ Manto ki Karwaahi”, a classic play written by Ravish Pathan and Onkar Kakani and directed by Aman Paul and Siddharth Gupta. This play depicted an eventful court proceeding of the infamous Saadat Hasan Manto. It was performed by Samvardhan Khandelwal, Himanshu Chandak and Shubhankar Kholkute.
On March 21st, 2017 National Level CSIR-NEERI Conference on Water Scarcity and Awareness was held, which focused on the problem of worldwide water scarcity and pollution. Also the conference stressed upon the ways to save water and make people aware about it. The Conference was open to the public as well as press. Approximately 300 people were in attendance. During the conference, attendees shared opinions, thoughts and suggestions for about this topic. Dr.Rakesh Kumar, CSIR-NEERI Director; Dr.Pawan Labhasetwar, Scientist & Head, WT & M division were present, to discuss in the conference. They were the keynote speakers.

The winning team of Nautanki being awarded with the cash prize
During the day, CSIR-NEERI had organised various competitions for Drama and Short Films so as to send a strong visual message to the common man making them alert and aware about the Water related campaign. NAUTANKI-The Drama Club, participated in the competition under the Dramatics category under the guidance of the club mentor, Mrs. Pratishruti Singh Agrawal.

The winning team along with Faculty In Charge, Pratishruti Singh-Agarwal being appreciated by General Secretary, Shri Govindlalji Agarwal and Principal, Dr R S Pande
Participants had the opportunity to represent their college in front of the foreign delegates present on and off the dais. They had to research about their character and relate it to the present day scenario. Our college secured the 3rd position and was awarded a cash prize of Rs.10, 000.We were also invited on March 22ndto perform again. At the conclusion of the conference, the club was invited by a member of a theatre group based in Mumbai and invited to Pune to perform the same play. The team comprised Script Writer: Saurabh Hardas Director: Mustafa Neemuchwala Cast: Amar Mishra, Nikita Sen, Nishad Janefalkar, Nishigandha Gawande, Vedant Vyas, Viddhesh Gharpure and Vivek Thaware.

Anubhav Gupta and Anurima Chakraborty being appreciated for their performance at Litfest
Report (2015-16)
It was a showdown of serious talent at the Drama Cup-2016 held at the main auditorium, RCOEM on 1st February, 2016. 10 teams from different branches had enthusiastically participated in the event where Mechanical Engineering branch won the Drama Cup for this year. Electronics Engineering branch stood 2nd and Electronics & Communications Engineering branch bagged the 3rd position.
Winners of Drama cup 2015-16 [Electronics Engineering Branch]

A still from Yellow, Electronics Engineering branch

A still from Khuda Afiz, Mechanical Engineering branch