Events /Activities
HCL Training Program
Project Sunshine-Cloud Native Database, under the HCL Training Program attempts to motivate the bright students of MCA to get exposed to the cutting edge tech being used in the industry. The Cloud Native Database: One DB module of 32 hrs, offered by HCL Software Academy was floated as Industry offered elective lab in the MCA Sem III curriculum for the batch 2020-2022.

Industry 4.0 Future of Work
HR Shapers Conclave at Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management
The Department of Computer Application, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management and Nagpur HR Shapers jointly organized a Conclave themed “Future of Work” comprising of Panel Discussions of eminent speakers and over 60 participants working as HR professionals in different companies.
Prof. P. Dwaramwar gave the opening remarks by welcoming the HR fraternity and focused on the need to prepare our students for 2030 by emphasizing on the need of Learn, Unlearn and Evolve. He talked about need of such platforms for fruitful interaction and networking of industry professionals and academia.
Mr. Ashish Gakrey, Founder of HR Shapers thanked RCOEM and Department of Computer Application for providing suitable platform for the HR meet. He talked on need to organize such informal gatherings which can help to provide solutions to real time issues faced by the industry. He focused on how such panel discussions outside the formal settings can help to visualize out of the box solutions.
IOT Webinars Report
Department of Computer Application along with Siemens Technology and services, Pune had organized Two Webinars in the domain of IOT on 15th May 2020. Around 350 registrations including the MCA department, Other Faculty members of RCOEM and outside campus were present during these sessions.
- The First Webinar on “IOT, the Beginning of New Era” was delivered by Mr. Suraj Chaodhary, Lead Engineer, Siemens Technology and services, Pune. He covered the scope of the IOT in various domain, the major Challenges and advantages of IOT.
- The Second Webinar on “IOT and OPCUA overview” was delivered by Mr. Chaitanya lnmandar, Software Architecture, Siemens Technology and services, Pune. He Demonstrated OPCUA platform and its utility. The major focus was to motivate student to carry out the IOT based project.
A four day workshop on aptitude development was conducted for the students by the Department of Computer Application from 22nd January to 25th January 2019. About 151 students attended the workshop. On 22nd Jan a formal inauguration of MCA WAD’19 was performed by the hands of Chief Guest Mr. Pranav Parikh, Vice President, and Chief of Staff, Health Plan / CDAI division, CIOX Health. The Chief Guest and Dr Preeti Voditel convener of MCA WAD’17 & Head, Department of Computer Application, lit the traditional lamp along with other faculty members. Students recited the Saraswati Vandana as a mark of respect for the goddess of learning. Mr. Pranav Parikh then addressed the student participants. He recounted his industry experiences and urged the students to choose a domain and plan for career advancement. Dr. Preeti Voditel also interacted with the students on the occasion. She stressed the importance of personality development for students and also briefed them about the various events which were to be conducted in MCA WAD’19. Daily aptitude tests were conducted for all the participants, along with events like “Extempore” and “Ad-making”. Sessions on various topics like Interpersonal Communication, Language Comprehension and Word Usage in English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning/ Data Interpretation, Group Discussion, Personal Interview Techniques, Resume Writing and Vedic Mathematics were conducted by invited experts. Dr. Yogesh Deshpande, Professor, VNIT took a special session titled “Spread the wings” in which he counselled the students on how to develop a positive attitude and achieve success in life. The students attended these sessions enthusiastically. Active participation of students was also observed during the conduction of aptitude tests, and in “Extempore”, and “Ad-making” events. On the concluding day of the workshop HR experts were called from various companies to judge the preparation of WAD participants in terms of facing personal interviews in companies and performing group discussions on random topics. The students were evaluated on various parameters by the experts who also gave them tips about how to face interviews. The valedictory function was held on the last day of the workshop, on 25h January 2019 at 5:45 p.m. where appreciation certificates and participation certificates were given to winners and participants respectively. Top ten students who performed exceptionally well in overall WAD activities like aptitude test, extempore and ad-making were felicitated. Individual appreciation certificates were given to all participants of top three ad-making groups. Three students who scored top marks in extempore events were also presented certificates. The convenor of MCA WAD’19, Dr. Preeti Voditel addressed the students and expressed her happiness about whole-hearted student participation. She asked the students to continue the momentum and attend many such Departmental and College level activities. The students also shared their experiences of the three eventful days of WAD and how it helped in enhancing their personality development. Prof. Aparna Gurjar proposed the vote of thanks. The event concluded with a group photograph of all participants and faculty members.
A three day workshop on aptitude development was conducted for the students by the department of computer application from 8th February to 10th February 2017. An in-house inauguration was performed wherein Dr PreetiVoditel convener of MCA WAD’17&Head, Department of Computer Application lit the traditional lamp along with other faculty members. Students recited the Saraswati Vandana as a mark of respect for the goddess of learning.Dr PreetiVoditel then addressed the student participants. She stressed the importance of personality development for students and also briefed them about the various events which were to be conducted in MCA WAD’17.For the first two days before the beginning of daily expert sessions, aptitude tests were conducted for all the participants, followed by the events “Extempore” and “Create an Ad”. After these events, sessions on various topics like Effective Public Speaking, PI Techniques, Resume Writing, Group Discussion Techniques, Vedic Mathematics, Employability Skills and Interpersonal Communication were conducted by invited experts. This year, more slotswere allotted to conduction of Aptitude tests by external experts. The students attended these sessions enthusiastically. Active participation of students was also observed during the conduction of aptitude tests, and in “Extempore”, and “Create an Ad” events. On the concluding day of the workshop HR experts were called from various companies to judge the preparation of participants in terms of facing personal interviews in companies and performing group discussions on random topics. The valedictory function was held on the last day of the workshop, on 10th February 2017 at 4:45 p.m. where appreciation certificates and participation certificates were given to student volunteers and participants respectively.
Day 1:
An aptitude test was conducted in the department from 8:45 – 9:45. for the participants.An in-house inauguration was performed at 10:00 a. m. wherein Dr.Preeti Voditel convener of MCA WAD’17& Head, Department of Computer Application lit the traditional lamp along with other faculty members. Students recited the Saraswati Vandana as a mark of respect for the goddess of learning. Dr.PreetiVoditel then addressed the student participants. She stressed the importance of personality development for students and also briefed them about the various events to be conducted in MCA WAD’17.
Tea break was later given for 15 minutes. The first expert session began at 11a.m. which was conducted by Mr. Sanjay Raghatate. He gave a two hour lecture-presentation on “Employability Skills and Interpersonal Communication”. He elaborated on the various aspects required for speaking fluently and effectively in public. Lunch break was given after this session.A pre-workshop aptitude test was conducted for half an hour before commencing the session on “Quantitative Aptitude” from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.The next session commenced at 2:30 p.m. which was taken by Mrs.Gayatri Phadnis”. She discussed the techniques of identifying important questions in an aptitude test. She explained various techniques of fast calculations and mapping the question to appropriate formulae.. After this session, the students were given a tea break of 15 minutes.
The day ended with a round Ad-Making which was conducted by faculty members of the department of Computer Application.
Day 2:
The second day began with an in-house aptitude test for the participants, which was conducted in the department from 8:45 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.The first expert session of the day began at 9:45 a.m. which was conducted by Mrs. Swati Banerjee. She took a session on “Confidence Building and First Impression”. She interacted with the students and taught them some of the techniques of boosting self-confidence. She also taught how to create a good self-esteem while planning for an interview. She gave some of the tips to handle messy situations and built a positive attitude.A 15 min break was given after this session for tea.
The next session commenced at 12:00 a.m. which was taken by Mr.KartikVyas. He took a session on “Mental Ability and Logical Aptitude”. He taught various methods of solving logical reasoning based questions. He focused on skills to understand the problem and solve it using mathematical domain. A lunch break of one hour was given from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. The next session commenced at 3:00 p.m. Mr. Hitesh Dewani took a session on “Resume Writing and Group Discussion”.He discussed the techniques related with group discussion. The students listened with rapt attention toMr Dewanias he gave them actual topics for group discussion and then analysed their responses.A tea break of 15 minutes was given after the session and the day ended with in-house extempore conducted by the faculty members of the department of Computer Application.
Day 3:
The third day began with a session on Vedic Mathematics by Mr ManmathDeshpande at 9:00 am. He elaborated the techniques used in the domain of Vedic mathematics to speed up the calculations while performing various arithmetic operations. The next expert session began at 11:00 a.m. in which Mrs.GayatriPhadnistaught about “Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving Tips / tricks”. She narrated the techniques to focus on solution of the problem. She illustrated techniques to enlist the probable approaches which make the problem solvable. At the end of this session, a Post-Workshop Aptitude Test of 30 minutes was conducted. A lunch break was given at 1:00 p.m. At 2:00 p.m. GD/PI were conducted by HR Experts invited from various companies.The students were evaluated on various parameters by the experts who also gave them tips about how to face interviews.
The valedictory function was held at 5.45 p.m. where appreciation certificates and participation certificates were given to student volunteers and participants respectively. The students also shared their experiences of the three eventful days of WAD and how it helped in enhancing their personality development.
Industrial visit to RTTC, BSNL, Nagpur
The Department of Computer Application had organized a one day, local industrial visit to RTTC, BSNL, Nagpur, on20th January, 2017. The students of MCA department, IV Semester visited the Regional Telecom Training Centre of BSNL under the guidance of Prof. Mohini Upasani and Prof. Vishnu Vardhan Budati.
Mr. N.N. Pillewar, SDE and his team welcomed the students and staff of the department, at RTTC, BSNL. A session on “An overview of R.T.T.C, BSNL” highlighting the company profile was conducted by Mr. N.N. Pillewar. Mrs. V. Naval gave a brief overview of Network Architecture during the session on “Computer Networks”. The students were acquainted with knowledge of networking through parallel sessions on network switching, broadband, and networking equipments conducted by Mr. N.B. Jinturkar, Mrs. R. Patil, and Mr. G. P. Konde. A special visit to BTS section was also conducted in which the Wireless communication, timesharing and working of 2G and 3G spectrums were explored. At the end, Mr. N.N. Pillewar, SDE, conducted the concluding session, where the student gave the visit feedback. The students and the faculty members shared their views with the team. A future training program on Communication Technology was also discussed.
A three day workshop on aptitude development was conducted for the students by the department of computer application from 9th March to 11th March 2016. Dr. Preeti Voditel who addressed the participants, stressed on the importance of personality development for students and also briefed them about the various events to be conducted in MCA WAD’16. For the first two days before the beginning of daily expert sessions, aptitude tests were conducted for all the participants, followed by the events “Extempore” and “Create an Ad”. After these events, sessions on various topics like Effective Public Speaking, PI Techniques, Resume Writing, Group Discussion Techniques, Vedic Mathematics, Competitive English and Effective Public Speaking were conducted by invited experts. The students attended these sessions enthusiastically. On the concluding day of the workshop HR experts were called from various companies to judge the preparation of participants in terms of facing personal interviews in companies and performing group discussions on random topics. The valedictory function was held on the last day of the workshop, on 11th March 2016 at 5.00 p.m. where appreciation certificates and participation certificates were given to student volunteers and participants respectively.
National Network Security Championship
The Department of Computer Application organized a National level workshop on networking namely “National Network Security Championship” organized by Network Bulls in co-ordination with IIT- Kanpur on 5 th and 6 th October 2015. It was two day workshop for all MCA Students. Workshop focuses on networking topic such as ISO-OSI Model, Subnetting and VLSM, IPS, IPv6, Switching and Routing and also covers hands-on Wire Shark and Packet Tracer. Workshop is delivered by Cisco Certified Professionals. Based on Workshop Mega Competition of NNSC-2016 was conducted, 13 students selected for Final round of NNSC-2016 which will conduct by IIT Kanpur. NNSC provided certificates to the Participants and winner. Dr. P. S. Voditel was the convener of the workshop and Dr. S. D. Upadhye and Prof. S. S. Uparkar was the Faculty Coordinator of the workshop.
Module Description
Any other contributory Inst./Industry
Developed/ organized by
Resource Person
Target Audience
Workshop on Let’s Code | Kratin LLC, Nagpur | Department of Computer application | 15th Oct., 2022 | Mr. Satin Katiyar, Chief Architech & COE, Kratin LLC, Nagpur | MCA Sem III, Students Session 2022-23 | 2022-23 |
Patent Searching, Drafting and Filing for computer Science and Engineering | Brainiac IP Solutions, Pune | Department of Computer Application and IPR Cell RCOEM | 13th May 2022 | Mr. Harikriashanan, Patent Attorney, Brainiac IP Solutions, Pune | Students & Faculty members of RCOEM | 2021-22 |
Digital Marketing using Google Ads | Google Operations Center, Hyderabad | Department of Computer Application and RACA | 12th June 2021 | Mr. Aditya Ghadve | Students & Faculty members of RCOEM | 2020-21 |
Server Side Application Development using MEAN Stack | -- | Department of Computer Application | 7th & 9th May, 2020 | Prof. Vishnu Vardhan, MCA | RCOEM, UG and PG Students of RTMNU | 2019-20 |
First Step towards Employability | -- | Department of Computer Application | 15th Feb., 2020 | Mr. Rajendra Chandokar, consultant | MCA and MTech Student, Session 19-20 | 2019-20 |
WAD for MCA | HR Expert Persons from Various IT Industry | Department of Computer Application | 22nd-25th Jan., 2019 | Dr. P.S. Voditel ( Convener) Prof. A.M. Gurjar ( Coordinator) | Students of MCA, 2018-19 | 2018-19 |
Transforming Maharashtra | Cyber Cell, Nagpur Police, Axis Bank and Jigyasa Research Centre, Nagpur | Department of Computer Application | 2nd Jan., 2018 | Mr. Vishal Mane, API , Nagpur Police Mr. Dhanesh Jadhav , Nodal Incharge, Axis Bank Mr. Manish Karandikar, President, Jigyasa Research Centre, Nagpur Dr. P.S. Voditel , ( Conviner) Prof. P.V. Khandar & Prof. L.S. Agrawal ( Coordinators) | Students of MCA and BE. First Year, Session 2017-18 | 2017-18 |
HR,Expert Persons from Various IT Industry
Department of Computer Application
8th – 10th Feb.,2017
Student of MCA,
Session 2016-17
NNSC-16 Workshop
Network Bulls/IIT Kanpur Entrepreneurship Cell
Department of Computer Application
5th – 6th Oct.,2015
Mr. Damanpreet Singh
Mr.Manish Kumar
Student of MCA,
Session 2015-16
Android and Mobile Application
Kratin Solution Pvt. Ltd.
Department of Computer Application
31st Jan, 2016
Mr. Satin Katiyar and Team. CEO,Kratin Solution Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur
Student of MCA,
Session 2015-16
HR Expert Persons from Various IT Industry
Department of Computer Application
9th -11th March, 2016
Student of MCA,
Session 2015-16
MS Office
In Association with IEEE, RCOEM Student Chapter
Department of Computer Application
1st – 6th Dec.,2014
Dr. P.S. Voditel
Prof. Richa Khandelwal
Non Teaching Staff,RCOEM
Department of Computer Application
5th -8th Feb.,2015
Dr. P.S. Voditel
Student of MCA Semester II and IV
Oracle ERP
6 days
MCA Fifth Semester
Department of Computer Application
01 days
Prof. S. Ashilwar
MCA Fifth Semester
MS Office
Department of Computer Application
One Week
Dr. D. S.Adane
Non Teaching Staff, RCOEM
Guest Lectures
S. No.
Name & affiliation of the expert/speaker
1 | 0/11/2022 | Rajesh Nagwekar, Senior Manger, Kofax Indai Pvt. Ltd. , Hyderabad | Mobile Application Development | 2022-23 |
2 | 16/07/2022 | Prof. Kaushik Roy, Dean T&P, RCOEM, Nagpur | CDPC Roll in MCA Training and Placements | 2022-23 |
3 | 9/07/2022 | Allan Abraham, TPO, CDPC, RCOEM | Session on Email writing | 2022-23 |
4 | 28/06/2022 | Commander V.K. Jaitly | Motivational and Innovation based Guest lecture on “We Can We Can” | 2021-22 |
5 | 13/03/2022 | Poornima Dhobe, Associate Director-Biostatistics, Novartis, Mumbai | Data Collection Techniques and questionnaire Designing | 2021-22 |
6 | 5/3/2022 | Mr. Sanket Joshi, Chief Technology Officer, Logicunlock Solutions Llp. Nagpur | Applications of Tableau in Data Science | 2021-22 |
7 | 27/11/2021 | Dr. Mansi Radke,Assistant Professor VNIT, Nagpur | Solving Gate Questions on Data Strucutres and Algorithms | 2021-22 |
8 | 21/11/2021 | Dr. Mansi Radke,Assistant Professor VNIT, Nagpur | Trees, Graphs, binary Search Tree, Binary Heap Graphs | 2021-22 |
9 | 20/11/2021 | Dr. Mansi Radke,Assistant Professor VNIT, Nagpur | Recursion, Arrays, Stacks queues and Link list | 2021-22 |
10 | 2/10/2021 | Mr. Hemant Ambade, Solution Architecture, Corner Stone/Ex Infosys Employee | AWS Fundamentals and cloud Certification | 2021-22 |
11 | 1/10/2021 | Mr. Sumit Sharma, Performance Manger, Informatica | Latest Technology Trends in Industry 4.0 | 2021-22 |
12 | 26/9/2021 | Prof. Neha Kasture, Assistant Professor VNIT, Nagpur, | TOC, Gate Problems and solutions | 2021-22 |
Mr. Shasank Bhandari,
Team Lead, HCL Technologies, Nagpur .
Interview Techniques
Mr. Onkar Nakade,
CEO, Mednet Labs, Nagpur .
Interview and Soft Skills Techniques
Mr. Hemant Ambade,
Cloud Architect, Infosys, Pune .
Cloud Computing
Cognizant Technology Services, Hyderabad .
Google Data Studio and Google Adwords
Mr. Aditya Gadhve,
Sr. Process Executive,Cognizent Technology .
Data studio
Dr. Anupum Kher,
Dean T & P, RCOEM,Nagpur .
Placement Opportunity
Dr. Pratishruti Singh,
Assistant Professor, Humanities .
Simplifying writing : functional Grammar for research and Professional use
Mr. Raveesh Jaiswal,
Manager-Employer Branding and Communication .
Personal Interview Strategies & Resume Making
Miss. Neha Baisware,
Technical Lead & HR, SparkVed Infotech .
Pre-Placement Talk and Career Opportunities
Dr. Umesh Deshpande,
Professor, VNIT, Nagpur .
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Mansi Radke,
Assistant Professor, VNIT, Nagpur .
Branch and bound Technique
Dr. Ravi Wankhede,
Organ Donation
Dr. Mansi Radke,
Assistant Professor, VNIT, Nagpur .
Network Flow in Design and Analysis of Algorithm
Dr. Mansi Radke,
Assistant Professor, VNIT, Nagpur .
Backtracking Algorithm Design Techniques
Mr. Sanjay Wankhede ,
Sr. Delivery Manager, Persistent Systems .
Resume Writing, Communication Skills and Interview questions
Mr. Emmanual Francis,
Python Trainer, NIIT .
Python Programming
Mr. Sandeep Manwatkar,
Principal Product Engineer, Persistent Systems .
IoT and Career prospects and avenues in software testing
Mr. Sairam Verma,
Technical Advisor, Yashraj Automation, Nagpur .
Demo of “ Interactive Teaching Board”
Mr. Rahul Tyagi,
Vice President, Lucideus Training, New Delhi .
Social Networking Sites Threats”
Dr. Rajiv Mohta,
Child specialist .
Stress Management for Adolescence”
Dr. Ravindra Keskar,
Associate Professor, VNIT, Nagpur .
Multiprocessor Scheduling in RTS”
Mr. Manmath Deshpande,
an Expert Aptitude Trainer .
Stress Management for Adolescence”
Dr. Umesh Deshpande,
Associate Professor, VNIT, Nagpur .
Design and Analysis of Algorithms-NP-Completeness”
Mr. Krunal Kalbande,
CEO, COJAG Systems Pvt. Ltd., nagpur .
Internet of Things ( Industrial Approach)”
Mr. Krunal Kalbande,
CEO, COJAG Systems Pvt. Ltd., nagpur .
Summer Internship Drive- Pre-Placement Talk”
Mr. Vaibhav Abdeo,
Senior Technical Architect, ZS Associates, Pune .
Career Opportunities ”
Mrs. Preeti Agarwal,
Software Trainer, ADCC Limited .
Latest Technological Aspects ”
Mr. Manish Karandikar and Team Gigyasa Research Center, Nagpur
Entrepreneurship through government research project.
Mr. Aditya Gadave,
Business Operation Associate, Accenture Hyderabad.
Digital Marketing and its future scope
Mr. Umesh Chikate,
Project Manager , John Deere India Pvt. Ltd. , Pune.
Career opportunities in IT Industries
Mr. Vikram Naruka,
Assistant System Engineer,Accenture India Pvt. Ltd. Pune
How to prepare for campus Interview
Mr. Saurabh Bhishikar ,
C.E.O., Praxis Logica software Institute,Nagpur.
Career opportunities in IT Industries
Mr. Saurabh Bhishikar ,
C.E.O., Praxis Logica software Institute,Nagpur.
C and Data Structures
Mr. Deepak Jaikalyani,
Software Engineer ,Yarago software, Bangalore.
Android Overview
Dr. A. Agarwal,
Associate Professor, RCOEM.
Aptitude Training
5th – 6th Oct 2015
Mr.Damanpreet Singh
Mr.Manish Kumar
NNSC-16workshops, Network bulls IIT Kanpur Entrepreneurship Cell
Mr. S. Shekhar,
Software Engineering,
Accenture India Pvt.Ltd., Noida.
Windows Presentation Foundation
Mr.S.Katiyar and His Team
CEO,Kratin Pvt.Ltd.Solution, Nagpur
Android Workshop
Mr.R. Joshi
Business operation analyst, Accenture,Hyderabad.
Google Ad words