Honors and Minors

Honors/ Minor GuidelinesSession 2024-25 (NEP Batch)  Read here

Honors / Minors Scheme of RCOEM     Read here

Academic Year 2023-24

Honors scheme of Mechanical Engineering 2023-24

Minors Scheme of Mechanical Engineering 2023-24

Honors Specialization in CSE(Full stack Development Track)2023-24

Honor and Minor Scheme and Syllabus of CSE Cyber Security

Minor scheme and syllabus of AI-ML(For the students of other than CSE, AIML, DS, Cyber Security)

Honor scheme and syllabus of AIML and Data Science (Only for CSE and Cyber Security students)

Honor and Minor scheme and syllabus of CSE(Data Science)

Honor-Minor Course Syllabus of Semester III(B.Tech Department of Electronics and Computer Science)

Honors Scheme 2023-24

Minor Scheme 2023-24

Guidelines for Honors Scheme (Session 2023-24)

Guidelines for Minor Scheme (Session 2023-24)


Academic Year 2022-23

Syllabus & Scheme of Minors in Economics Minor Courses

Guidelines for Honors Program   Click Here

Guidelines for Minor Program   Click Here

Honors Scheme   Click Here

Minor Scheme   Click Here