ARCEON’22 Every great creation begins with a random train of thought! To incorporate a big idea, we must begin somewhere, putting all our efforts and a piece of our soul into it. Just like a prism reflects one plain light into a broad spectrum of colours, it can also combine these colours into a white light. Hence, we, team ARCEON 22 aim to combine varied ideas and vague arts into one single ray of immense hard work which is what we call, Meraki, i.e a fabulous creation made by putting ourselves into it. This is a word that modern Greeks often use to describe doing something with soul, creativity, or love — when you put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing, whatever it may be.
Happy Reading!

ARCEON’21, the annual college magazine ARCEON’21 is a reflection of the thoughts and willingness of the students to understand, reform and transform themselves and the society at large. Today, more than ever, we need to be disciplined not only for the sake of our good but also for the sake of others. We are facing an unprecedented scenario which calls for self-discipline. At this juncture we need to support each other, extend a helping hand and cross the line together. Sometimes, we need to achieve some milestones together and this is exactly what life is trying to teach us. The efforts required to bring out this issue are reminiscent of the theme, ‘Jijivisha’. We hope that readers will find it interesting and relate with.
Happy Reading!

ARCEON’22 Every great creation begins with a random train of thought! To incorporate a big idea, we must begin somewhere, putting all our efforts and a piece of our soul into it. Just like a prism reflects one plain light into a broad spectrum of colours, it can also combine these colours into a white light. Hence, we, team ARCEON 22 aim to combine varied ideas and vague arts into one single ray of immense hard work which is what we call, Meraki, i.e a fabulous creation made by putting ourselves into it. This is a word that modern Greeks often use to describe doing something with soul, creativity, or love — when you put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing, whatever it may be. Happy Reading!

ARCEON’21, the annual college magazine ARCEON’21 is a reflection of the thoughts and willingness of the students to understand, reform and transform themselves and the society at large. Today, more than ever, we need to be disciplined not only for the sake of our good but also for the sake of others. We are facing an unprecedented scenario which calls for self-discipline. At this juncture we need to support each other, extend a helping hand and cross the line together. Sometimes, we need to achieve some milestones together and this is exactly what life is trying to teach us. The efforts required to bring out this issue are reminiscent of the theme, ‘Jijivisha’. We hope that readers will find it interesting and relate with.
Happy Reading!
About the Theme:
जिजीविषा, एक शब्द जिसका सरल अर्थ है जीने की इच्छा । इस सरल से अर्थ के साथ यह अद्भुत शब्द जीवन की असीम भावनाओं और संभावनाओं को दर्शाता है । मनुष्य स्वभाव का अगर किसी एक शब्द में वर्णन किया जा सकता है तो निश्चित ही वह शब्द जिजीविषा है । इसी विवरण का प्रमाण है बीता वर्ष । जब कोरोना महामारी से जूझ कर हर मनुष्य त्रस्त और परेशान था तब मानव स्वभाव की असीम जिजीविषा ने ही उसे संभाला था । बढ़ते संक्रमण और फैलती बीमारी के बीच भी हर व्यक्ति अपना कर्त्तव्य पूरी निष्ठा के साथ निभा रहा था । चिकित्सको और शोधकर्ताओं से ले कर असहाय दिहाड़ी मजदूरों तक खाना पहुँचने वाले कर्मियों तक हर मनुष्य ने जिम्मेदार नागरिक होने की भूमिका पूर्ण रूप से निभाई है । जहाँ शिक्षा भी पिछड़ने लगी थी वहाँ शिक्षकों ने भी अपनी क्षमताओं को नाप कर डिजिटल शिक्षा के साधन सीखे और अपना शिक्षक होने का कर्त्तव्य पूर्ण किया । ARCEON 21 का यह प्रकाशन मनुष्य स्वभाव की इसी दृढ़ जिजीविषा और हर एक व्यक्तिगत और सामूहिक प्रयास को समर्पित है । हर मनुष्य के छोटे और बड़े प्रयतन को सम्मानित करना इस प्रकाशन का एकमात्र लक्ष्य है ।
“मनुष्य की जिजीविषा ही उसके विकास और उत्तरजीविता का आधार है ।”

ARCEON-2020, the annual college magazine ARCEON’20 is a reflection of the thoughts and willingness of the students to understand, reform and transform themselves and the society at large. It is an expression of their commitment towards creating a society of individuals who have been introduced by themselves.

ARCEON-19,the annual college magazine 2019 The Annual College Magazine ARCEON’19 has been awarded 3 rd prize in the Foundation Day ‘Vardhapan Din’ Function held by Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University on 4 th August 2020. The theme of ARCEON’19 was “Life in Retrospect” which is apt in the prevailing scenario when the entire Nation is about to embark on a historical journey taking inspiration from the past. The magazine was entirely designed by the students of the magazine committee including the main cover and the section covers. The editors for the ARCEON’19 magazine were Anushri Misal, Kartik Kalikar and Radhika Dongre and faculty coordinators were Dr. Vandana Gandhi, Prof. Vikas Gupta, Prof Jignyasa Sanghvi, Dr. Piyush Khadke and Dr. Cynita Christy.

ARCEON-2020, the annual college magazine ARCEON’20 is a reflection of the thoughts and willingness of the students to understand, reform and transform themselves and the society at large. It is an expression of their commitment towards creating a society of individuals who have been introduced by themselves.

ARCEON-19,the annual college magazine 2019 The Annual College Magazine ARCEON’19 has been awarded 3 rd prize in the Foundation Day ‘Vardhapan Din’ Function held by Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University on 4 th August 2020. The theme of ARCEON’19 was “Life in Retrospect” which is apt in the prevailing scenario when the entire Nation is about to embark on a historical journey taking inspiration from the past. The magazine was entirely designed by the students of the magazine committee including the main cover and the section covers. The editors for the ARCEON’19 magazine were Anushri Misal, Kartik Kalikar and Radhika Dongre and faculty coordinators were Dr. Vandana Gandhi, Prof. Vikas Gupta, Prof Jignyasa Sanghvi, Dr. Piyush Khadke and Dr. Cynita Christy.

ARCEON-17,the annual college magazine 2017 ARCEON’17 this time brings to you an array of articles of how at the Institute level ‘collaboration’ is being practised in numerous little ways and this forms its theme. The magazine celebrates esprit de corps in its true form where students from varied fields made a collective enterprise to present to you a compilation of engaging stories, interesting articles, striking photographs & artwork and absorbing poems.

ARCEON-17,the annual college magazine 2017 ARCEON’17 this time brings to you an array of articles of how at the Institute level ‘collaboration’ is being practised in numerous little ways and this forms its theme. The magazine celebrates esprit de corps in its true form where students from varied fields made a collective enterprise to present to you a compilation of engaging stories, interesting articles, striking photographs & artwork and absorbing poems.

ARCEON-16, the annual college magazine 2016 The ARCEON’16 issue celebrates an array of sparkling ideas of our college students, past as well present, which have germinated into immensely innovative start ups and have proved to be brave leaps in the field of Entrepreneurship.
Certificate 2nd Prize

ARCEON-15, the annual college magazine 2015 Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management won the “Best Magazine Award” for ARCEON 15 at the RTMNU University Inter Collegiate Annual Best Magazine Competition 2014-15
Certificate 1st Prize

ARCEON-16, the annual college magazine 2016 The ARCEON’16 issue celebrates an array of sparkling ideas of our college students, past as well present, which have germinated into immensely innovative start ups and have proved to be brave leaps in the field of Entrepreneurship.
Certificate 2nd Prize

ARCEON-15, the annual college magazine 2015 Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management won the “Best Magazine Award” for ARCEON 15 at the RTMNU University Inter Collegiate Annual Best Magazine Competition 2014-15
Certificate 1st Prize

ARCEON-14, the annual college magazine of RCOEM bagged the first prize in the category of inter-collegiate magazine in RTM Nagpur University. The prize was given away by Dr. Pramod Yeole, Pro-Vice Chancellor of RTM Nagpur University in the presence of Dr. Mungekar former Member National Planning Commission and Dr. S.V. Kane, the Vice- Chancellor of the University in a function organised to mark 92nd foundation Day of the University on 4th August 2015. Dr. R.S.Pande , The Principal, Dr. V.S. Deshpande former Principal, Dr. S.D. Mohgaonkar, Dean second shift and Dr. Deepshikha Mehra ,coordinator of the magazine received the prize which consisted of Rs. 5,000 and a certificate

ARCEON-14, the annual college magazine of RCOEM bagged the first prize in the category of inter-collegiate magazine in RTM Nagpur University. The prize was given away by Dr. Pramod Yeole, Pro-Vice Chancellor of RTM Nagpur University in the presence of Dr. Mungekar former Member National Planning Commission and Dr. S.V. Kane, the Vice- Chancellor of the University in a function organised to mark 92nd foundation Day of the University on 4th August 2015. Dr. R.S.Pande , The Principal, Dr. V.S. Deshpande former Principal, Dr. S.D. Mohgaonkar, Dean second shift and Dr. Deepshikha Mehra ,coordinator of the magazine received the prize which consisted of Rs. 5,000 and a certificate
ARCEON’22 Every great creation begins with a random train of thought! To incorporate a big idea, we must begin somewhere, putting all our efforts and a piece of our soul into it. Just like a prism reflects one plain light into a broad spectrum of colours, it can also combine these colours into a white light. Hence, we, team ARCEON 22 aim to combine varied ideas and vague arts into one single ray of immense hard work which is what we call, Meraki, i.e a fabulous creation made by putting ourselves into it. This is a word that modern Greeks often use to describe doing something with soul, creativity, or love — when you put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing, whatever it may be. Happy Reading!