Courses offered

Sr. No.SemesterBranchName of CourseCourse Code
1I SemesterAll BranchesEngineering Mathematics – IMAT 101
2II SemesterAll BranchesEngineering Mathematics –I IMAT 102
3III Semester  Civil Engg.Engineering Mathematics –IIIMAT 201
Computer Science Engg., Information TechnologyEngineering Mathematics –IIIMAT 202
Electronics Engg., Electronics and Communication Engg., Electronics Design Technology, Electrical Engg.Engineering Mathematics –IIIMAT 203
Industrial Engg.Quantitative Methods-IMAT 204
Mechanical Engg.Engineering Mathematics –IIIMAT 206
4IV Semester  Electrical Engg.Electrical Engineering MathematicsMAT 242
Electronics Engg., Electronics and Communication Engg., Electronics Design Technology.Engineering Mathematics –IVMAT 243
Industrial Engg.Quantitative Methods-IIMAT 244
Computer Science Engg., Information TechnologyDiscrete MathematicsMAT 245
Mechanical Engg.Engineering Mathematics –IVMAT 246
5VI Semester (Electives)All BranchesCombinatorial TheoriesMAT 301
All BranchesNumerical TechniquesMAT 302
All Branches Except Industrial Engg.Statistical Methods for Business and ManagementMAT 303