Shri Ramdeobaba Sarvajanik Samiti
Shri Ramdeobaba Sarvajanik Samiti (SRSS) has been engaged in various social activities since 1967. All the trustees of the Samiti are eminent persons in their own fields. The missionary zeal of the trusties has made the sanstha as one of the most proactive philanthropic organization.
Mission of the Sanstha
- To work in the interest of linguistic minority groups in Vidarbha with special emphasis on such people in and around Nagpur who speak Hindi as their mother tongue.
- To propagate scientific study and writing/speaking of the national language Hindi
- To establish, maintain, manage and administer one or more institutions of various levels and standards at one or more places for imparting good quality and specialized, professional and vocational education and training and conducting research, guidance and enquiry into knowledge
- To establish, maintain, manage/administer high standard institutions in order to encourage, conduct and sponsor research in various disciplines of life.
- To provide scholarships, textual and research material to scholars
- to establish quality laboratories and research centers for conducting experiments
- To import most advanced current, scientific, technological and other important thought, to foster collaboration with prominent/premier institutions around the world
- To offer most modern, up-to-date and current education and research in all branches of Arts, Commerce, Science, Technology, Management and generally all other branches of human endeavor including sports, agriculture, computers space exploration etc.
- To maintain, manage and run the Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management
- To establish health centers and mobile dispensaries in rural and urban areas
- To establish well equipped libraries
- To establish and manage public ‘dharmashalas and monuments’ in the memory of Shri Ramdeobaba at various places
- To acquire by way of purchase, gift, lease etc., necessary moveable and immovable properties such as vacant lands with or without buildings and construct new buildings on the vacant lands, as well as furniture, machinery, equipment and other materials.
Vision of the Sanstha
The Promoting Body envisages that the Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management (formerly – Shri Ramdeobaba Kamla Nehru Engineering College) as a fountainhead of excellence in Engineering and knowledge to result in engineers instilled with a sense of commitment, responsibility and belongingness both in their professional as well as personal lives.